Problem With Loading Map

07-24-2003, 07:48 PM
Hey dudes, I have a problem that I hope someone can help me out with. The problem is when I compile a map that I'm still working on, I get a bsp file and no errors. However, when I place the file into my dod/map folder and then start a lan to test the map, the name of the map doesn' t show up as a choice for me to play. It doesn't matter if I compile it with the batch compiler or with Hammer (it's still a pretty simple map so I think I can get away with it) a bsp file is produced however as I said it doesn't show up as a choice when I try to set up a lan.

What's even weirder is when I do compile it with hammer and after it compiles it loads up and I can go straight into the map to see if it's working and everything seems to be alright. However, after I exit the game and then try to get into the map by starting up a lan, the map won't show up as a choice again! This wouldn't be so bad but I'm worried that when I do ever finish the map (which may be never, the rate i'm going) I won't be able to generate a working bsp file...

Anybody have any ideas? Suggestions? I know it has something to do with the map itself because I can compile other test maps and they will act correctly and I've already tried a full re-install of half life to another directory but then the same thing happens with this one particular map....Anyhelp would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. If you guys think it will be helpful I can post the compile log. Let me know.

Capt Winter
07-24-2003, 10:02 PM
Is there spaces in ur name of map i don't know but maybe maps with spaces in the name won't appear. Also have u tried loading via consol. Load any map then go into consol and type map mapname.

07-24-2003, 10:14 PM
Do your map contain the entity: info_doddetect ?

And yes, as Capt.Winter said: Avoid spaces in map-names.

07-24-2003, 11:08 PM
thx for the quick reply guys. No the name doesn't have any spaces but I do not have the entity info_doddetect and I haven't tired loading from console. I have got to get some rest so I'll try it tomorrow after work and let u guys know. Again thx for the suggestions

07-24-2003, 11:16 PM
heh as u guys can relate to I just had to try those two things before I went to bed :)

Anyway inserting a info_doddetect entity didn't fix the problem. I was unaware u needed this entity and I am doing the bare minimum to get the map to compile which means only one starting point only. Is there any other entities that are necessary besides this single one?

Good news though I was successful in loading the map from console. What does that mean though? Why can I do that and not directly from the lan menu? I am really confused about that...any ideas anyone?

07-25-2003, 06:48 AM
no entities are required, (except a spawn point).

In Hammer, go to Tools/Options and click on the Build Programs tab, make sure that the "Place compiled maps in this directory before running this game" is set as: "C:\Games\Half-Life\dod\maps" or similar.

make sure all the other directories are correct as well (such as Mod directory in the Game Configerations tab)

07-25-2003, 11:19 AM
Hey Nomad I've already done everything you described and since other test maps that I made are working correctly I don't think that's the problem.

I have been thinking though and I think the problem may be that I don't have any objectives present in the map (as I mentioned earlier I'm doing the bare minimum of entities at this time) but since I at least have a spawn it allows the map to be compiled. However, even though the map doesn't have any errors it is not being recognized as a dod map since I don't have any objectives/entities which designate it as a dod map. I don't know how true this is and I'm at work right now so I can't test my theory until later tonight...but thanks for the all the suggestions guys and please keep them coming if anyone knows anything.

07-25-2003, 11:59 AM
make sure you have a .cfg and .txt for your map. I've found they don't like to appear if you don't have them sometimes. Its not a rule that you must, but I've found it to work bfr now. just add
to the right dir and try again.

07-25-2003, 01:06 PM
im sorry bloodburb, but thats not the problem, any map should load, i have made test maps with a room and 1 info_player_allies and that worked, its something else im afraid.

have u got dod retail or the downloaded one?
or have u got cs retail?

other than that i dont know what the problem is.

can u send screen shots of ur Hammer Build configuration and game configuration so we can see if thats the problem?

07-25-2003, 01:11 PM
Looking at liblist.gam...
mpentity "info_player_allies"

This means, in order for a map to show up in the list, it must have at least one info_player_allies entity.

07-25-2003, 02:40 PM
Whenever I place those entities, though, I check map problems and it says I have unused variables or something of the sort. The only thing left blank is master and master control point:/

07-25-2003, 03:18 PM
ben are you ever going to use my .fgd? the reason tis ssaying you have an "unused key value" is because the "angles" group isn't part of a spawn, but it should be seeing as I use it all the time. If would DL and use my .fgd all the little probs like that would go away. I know of no single error in it.

07-25-2003, 03:46 PM
yea, dl AB's fdg, its very good.

07-25-2003, 05:15 PM
I've been using it...

07-25-2003, 06:29 PM
Hey guys, well I think that Andy is correct.
Man just my luck out of the two spawn sites, I choose the wrong one...that was my problem all along, I didn't have info_player_allies entity...

Thx so much for all the help dudes.
You guys in this forum are the bomb!

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