A Few Questions

07-21-2003, 11:15 PM
Now that my Hammer doesn't crash every second time I load in after installing, I'm starting to get back into mapping(well, I never really got into it, I suck at it really), I have a few questions.
A.) How can you get an animation or a submodel to show up in Hammer for referencing(like how to place a crouched soldier on a tank or flame sprites on a destroyed Sherman)
B.) Do numerous models have any drastic effects on r_speeds?
C.) How the hell do you use triggers?
D.) What's the best tutorial for parachuting?

07-22-2003, 04:51 AM
I'm not an expert but here's what I think:
A) I have had trouble with this but I think you place the object, choose it's submodel and then exit with saving. Then the model should appear there as long as you have models enable in the menu. Note: I think you can only view it's first animation (eg idle)
B) Yes indeed. If all the trees in dod_forest were made out of models then r_speeds would jump from bearable to so high that you would need a Pentium 6 to play it.
C) There are many different types of triggers in Hammer so here's a link which explains most of them. Pretty much, it's name explain what it does (eg trigger_once can only be used once, trigger_camera is used to make a cutscene)

http://www.karljones.com/halflife/almanac.asp (Use menu on left)

D) When you say parachuting do you mean para maps or as in actually parachuting into the level? I don't know much about how to run a para map but if you want to create a parachuting effect, you could use a trigger_gravity which slows the players fall after they jump out of the plane. Or you could just create a short scripted sequence before the round starts just like para_hedgerow.

07-22-2003, 11:13 AM
I know to make them paras you just need to say yes to "Make Allied/Axis team paratroopers?" in info_doddetect, and I remember the mapper who made anzio did it with a {blue elevator, but I don't remember exactly how he did it.

07-22-2003, 11:33 AM
To view a SUBMODEL in VHE, I decompiled the model (with the submodel in) and made it as a "new" model. I then stuck this in my hammer/models folder, and used it in an env_model to see what it would look like in game.

I then selected the actual model name to be used, and the submodel from it that I wanted.

Complicated I know!

07-22-2003, 02:16 PM
viewing submodels in hammer dosnt happen. you need to do as muppet and make it a new model so you can seee it properly.

As for animations it proves you arn't using my .fgd cause in the env_model properties is the item "In editor show animation #" then an integer value. it works you can try it.

07-22-2003, 03:36 PM
Nothing to do with your fgd AB, just some stuff you got from here:
ttp://collective.valve-erc.com/index.php?go=hammer_beta (http://collective.valve-erc.com/index.php?go=hammer_beta)

Saying that ... I guss not many peeps would have read that and understood it :rolleyes:

07-22-2003, 04:08 PM
So, basically, I need to modify the FGD and have a numeric value for sequences?

07-22-2003, 05:35 PM
haircut what are you talking about. he asked about submodels AND viewing diff animations Hammer. The animations have something to do with my .fgd

ben, you just DL the .fgd from my sig. make sure hammer is using mine. place an env_model and you will get the menu I talked about.

07-23-2003, 05:51 AM
I was just saying that you added the Animation Sequence stuff as per that webpage I mentioned, thats all.

Setting Model Animation Sequences

To enable the ability to set the animation sequence of a model in the 3D view, a "sequence" property must be added to an entity. The value of "sequence" is an integer corresponding to the animation in the model. For example, the monster_hgrunt_dead entity in the FGD has the following property added to it:

sequence(Choices) : "Animation Sequence (editor)" : 44 =
44 : "deadstomach"
45 : "deadside"
46 : "deadsitting"

This could just have easily been setup as an integer, as the Choices variable type just lets you give a list of integers with descriptive names to choose from.

Note that the animation sequence setting only affects the display of the model in the editor, not in the game. This is mainly useful for differentiating between things like monster_scientist, monster_sitting_scientist, and monster_scientist_dead, which would otherwise all show the same model, plus it will greatly aid in the placement of scripted sequences.

Yes 2ltben, you edit the FGD to add the Animation stuff but as AB as already done this then just download and use his FGD.

07-23-2003, 12:51 PM
ah right haricut. I got a different impression form what you said.

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