[MReq] Continually deployed bipods

07-21-2003, 05:08 PM

Seeing as I believe that most soldiers in WW2 did not bother to fold the bipods of their weapons into the up position while moving (somehting I notced while watching war footage, and, I admit, seeing in some war films :o), I was wondering if someone could make me a set of default weapons where the bipod stays in the down position? And then, rather than having an animation where the bipod is deplyed, instead the weapon is simply placed into position and perhaps slightly centred on the screen to make it feel like you are set up and ready to fire.

If someone oculd do this for me and then find a way to readjust certain aspects of the model (ie, having the MGs helf differently while not deployed, perhaps under the barrel), I would be very grateful....I really just fancy a change and think it would look better and would 'flow' better, especially when your moving continuously, something which happens in DoD's small maps. It would also look good with mobile weapons like the FG42, BAR and Bren.

Thankyou and goodnight :]

07-21-2003, 06:09 PM
Well, the .30 Cal bipod is in a fixed position, the BAR attachment was generally just taken off.*

*I've held a BAR with the bipod, it makes it so front heavy it's almost unbearable.

07-21-2003, 06:26 PM
Yeah, Im aware the .30 cal wouldnt need much adjustment, if any. I have also held a BAR with bipod, and I know what you mean...the gun is extremly heavy and unwieldy and as you said, front heavy :/

07-21-2003, 06:30 PM
I only found it front heavy with the bipod, but that's for good measure, you don't want the barrel of the gun kicking up with a bipod.

07-22-2003, 06:03 PM
Bump ;)

07-22-2003, 06:54 PM
Yeah Con I have also wanted this.

=DD=Wolf Kahler
07-23-2003, 01:58 AM
How about doing that with all the guns in ReallyPssd's pack? ^_^

07-23-2003, 04:22 AM
personally... I would rather the bipod deployment animation were shorter, and faster... Realistically speaking I doubt a soldier under fire would take his sweet time deploying like it is currently in game... I would think a soldier under heavy fire would get set up as damn fast as he could so he wouldn't get his ass shot off...


07-25-2003, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by =DD=Wolf Kahler
How about doing that with all the guns in ReallyPssd's pack? ^_^

Personally, Id prefer it on default models, but thats just my preference ;)

07-25-2003, 06:31 PM
have you tried the tripod mounted models?

I use them in game and they look cool.


not exactly what you asked for though, but either bots or bittles have that "setting up" effect.

cant remem which im using, think its bots.

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