Thirdparty Singleplayer Campaign?

07-20-2003, 09:03 PM
With the grunt and allied entities, is it possible to map a singleplayer campaign? Mind you it won't be easy, but I think it can be done. Have the Barneys be the men in your platoon and the grunts be men not under your command, and set them on paths. Scripting galore might make it work. Keep in mind I'm an entity idiot and can't make a map for my life.

07-20-2003, 09:15 PM
For Half-Life engine? hah.

07-20-2003, 09:57 PM
Talk to Arcturus or Waldo ;)

07-20-2003, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Bishop
For Half-Life engine? hah.


07-21-2003, 12:16 AM
Waldo made one back in pre 2.0 days. Haven't tried it yet.

07-21-2003, 02:30 AM
A while ago someone was starting a project for singleplayer, but I dont think it ever got off the ground. Try a little searching.

I dont understand what would be the big problem. Why cant it be done with this hl engine? Not like your going to have 100 bots running around. If you code the AI to be good(i mean the AI would be bad, but not long to compute) it wouldnt be a problem...

07-21-2003, 03:57 AM
Well, you can start wokring on the maps now. But it's lots of work! Trust me!! Lots of work!!

But it might be useful for HL2/DoD2. After all, what's wrong with a third party adding more value to to the existing DoD? No doubt, the dev team should concentrate solely on the multiplayer aspect of DoD. But since HL2 seems to have superb singleplayer stuff and AI, a third party should develop this aspect of DoD, a battlefield with tons of breathing AI soldiers fighting on the streets or out in the open! Can you imagine that?? That would throw games like Call of Duty and MOHAA down the drain! MOre realism, more AI, you feel for your characters, you feel scared of letting out a shot too early or using demolition charge vs. thermite grenades as demolition charge might influence enemy decisions on attacking you when they hear you, etc. The chaos of battle.

I've got a bunch of itinery levels (tour of duties) up planned. It basically has 3 campaigns : US Paratrooper, US Ranger, Brit Soldier ( follows the DoD motif!). I'm not sure which particular division Brit should have but it probably should involve a division that fought in the battle of Antwerp. As for the rest, US Paratrooper should be 101st Airborne and US Ranger should be 2nd Ranger. I can narrow it down to the particular divisions. And the battles they fought are all based on their real tour of duty counterparts from dday 1944 onwards. I'm quite familiar with the actual details of the engagements during the operations...terrain, actual topo, etc.

The goal? The tide of war is turning. But it won't be easy. Stay alive....that's the number 1 rule. Stay in battle. Don't get incapicated and end up in a field hospital. Survive and increase in rank as you move forward and find yourselves in many battle zones and complicated situations that faced the soldiers in ww2. Influence other people's decisions or follow others as work to fufill the top objectives of each episode. You play a ficiticious character in a real hisotircal-based setting and a real division (with some real persons) involved as well. Each campaign consist of 4 episodes. Each episode consist of 4 chapters and each chapter consist of roughly 2-6 levels.

Currently, DoD has a problem with "act: 86" with the AI grunts, causing those grunts to not die properly whenever they get shot on the legs or hands. They do die, but they stand up after dying and remain standing, so it can be misleading. A temporary fix for this is to create a dead pose of of these grunts and make that the very first sequence in the index . Also, there is no monstermaker entity support for these grunts.

What's more? Many singleplayer maps can also be made to be able to be played as multiplayer maps as well....That basically kills 2 birds with 1 stone and basically adds an infinite no. of maps the server can host if they wish to host those maps in their mapcycles.

07-21-2003, 04:54 AM
Originally posted by Winnebago
A while ago someone was starting a project for singleplayer, but I dont think it ever got off the ground. Try a little searching.

You need to search no further Winnebago. I am working on it but it will not be available probably till the end of the year it will be running on the Source engine. I will try my hardest to get a beta release for HL but at this rate I doubt it as I'm learning C++ from scratch.

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