Moving from CS mapping to DoD
Hi all
I'm sure loads of you started mapping for CS and moved to DoD - how do you think the mindset changes? What experiences have you had?
A CS map is often just a series of routes, a series of boxes connected by smaller boxes. Whereas DoD maps are generally boxes that you can enter and run around.
It must pose more design work, with lots of enterable buildings causing lots of polys - how are r_speeds kept down?
All thoughts welcome
07-16-2003, 04:35 AM
i went form HL single player to dod maps, but my bro does cs maps, in a way they are similar, but also different in some other ways
07-16-2003, 05:29 AM
Basically all is the same, regarding r_speeds reduction, and the majority of the entities.
CS just uses some specific entities, just like DoD does. Take a look at to get tutorials about the specific DoD entities.
"enterable buildings" is something you will meet in both mods (siege, office...). All maps are usually a series of boxes connected by smaller boxes.
What you'll have to keep in mind is the respawn : a DoD map MUST have protected respawn areas (edges, trigger_hurt, trigger_teleport, func_tank, trigger_push, etc...). But there are some para_ maps though.
Welcome :)
What I meant by enterable buildings is that in CS, you might run down a street but theyll just be flat brushes. Whereas in DoD, the chances are you can run into the building and make your way through that way.
07-16-2003, 05:37 AM
Yes. In fact, up to you to do what you feel. dod_kraftstoff reminds me de_inferno sometimes. Using enterable buildings is not something specific to DoD, but something coming from the creativity and the intentions of the mapper.
07-16-2003, 05:40 AM
I've been mapping for long time, but seem to never release any maps (sounds familiar to your self?). I've got great experience about the limitations and techniques about the HL-engine past the years. Basically, I know almost anything theoratically regarding HL-mapping.
I map for both CS and DoD , but now it's starting to be almost just for DoD. I got into DoD-mapping when I first tried v1.0 (am I late or what), and its great fun when you have the ability to map just anything as goal or objective.
R_speeds are keept down with VIS-blocking and careful placements of HINT-brushes. I have a map in progress that after VIS was totally screwed up, walls were not rendering etc. But after inserting some HINT-brushes, the problem was gone....
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