[SREL] PPCLI edit on Brits.

05-02-2003, 07:57 AM
This is just a minor edit to the sleeve patches on the Brit models to make them PPCLI. I am not bothering with flags yet as somone will be doing a set soon, this is just a "tide-me-over" for the Canucks out there. Also, patches are mirrored so to do the 'right' we will need different models/compiles.

Just to re-iterate, the skin is the DOD TEAM skin, I just changed arm patches... all credit to the them.

Apply skin with HLMV. Download HERE (http://digitalmelee.com/arsenal/PPCLI.bmp)

HLMV Screenshot

05-02-2003, 11:25 AM
The uniforms need to be more green and the ammo boots the canadians used had no toe cap....

05-02-2003, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Arsenal
This is just a minor edit to the sleeve patches on the Brit models

I know the problems with the kit. It also said:

Originally posted by Arsenal
this is just a "tide-me-over" for the Canucks out there.

As a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces, I know what our uniforms should look like.

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