I have been reading these boards a while now, and was wondering if anyone has a fix for this map crashing servers? It always causes hlds to crash with the fault coming from dod.dll...
The server only crashes on this map. Its frustrating for a standard map to have crash issues, but I dont seem to have problems on any other map. Help if you can, much appreciated.
that L do Pig
07-14-2003, 07:48 PM
i have not tried this personally, but i read if you type 'stopsound' at the console while the map is loading the problem goes away. Can you confirm that this worked for you?
Originally posted by that L do Pig
i have not tried this personally, but i read if you type 'stopsound' at the console while the map is loading the problem goes away. Can you confirm that this worked for you? seems there should be a better resolution than that one. I mean, why should I have to log on to my server when this map is loading to apply that type of fix?
Cant the mapper address the problem and put out a fix?
btw, this map crashes the dedicated server...not my client. Everyone is booted when flash comes up. So, we took it off. Isn't there an official fix? The game has been out since May 1st...why isnt this problem solved?
I appreciate your help though. I just dont see how applying a client fix will keep the server stable. Maybe I didnt word my problem right? Sorry.
the best way to fix it would be to add that command to the .cfg wouldn't it? that way they can figure out wtf the weird error is while everyone else just ahs it work for them.
are you running adminmod or anything that uses metamod? I know we had a lan party and flash was working fine (except we didn't have any british weapons) with metamod version 1.15. We upgraded to version 1.16 and got the british weapons but half the people would crash after that.
We posted it but I'm not sure if anyone has looked into it.
Originally posted by Angry Beaver
the best way to fix it would be to add that command to the .cfg wouldn't it? that way they can figure out wtf the weird error is while everyone else just ahs it work for them.
Add it to what config?
07-15-2003, 12:04 AM
server.cfg i think, but then no ambience would be hear by anyone from all the maps. i guess you could add it to the dod_flash.cfg but im not sure if you can execute commands in a cfg like that, but i could be wrong
I think ultimately...the question remains...since this is an issue this long since 1.0's release...why hasn't it been fixed? Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't flash's mapper moderate here? If so, I wish he'd look into this.
We are using amx mod on the server, with only a couple of add-on plugins. Mostly, it's a straight-up amx core plugin assortment, and it has been fine and continues to be fine on all maps except dod_flash.
People like to play flash, that is the only reason I care to fix this. I dont like the map, but we dont just run a server for me.
It almost seems more of a dod error that is triggered by flash...because the dod.dll is the one creating the fault.
Are there fixes somewhere that I'm just not finding? I went to Activision's official support area, and looked here for an official support area., but I cant even find the development team hardly posting about fixes. Is there another forum somewhere? This one seems more of a user to user forum...which is okay...but none of us are getting paid to fix these problems.
Sorry, I forgot to add that the problem even exists without using metamod as the game dll. Starting up hlds by itself also finds flash I'm not willing to blame a 3rd party for this one. I'll post the actual windows crash message the next time it happens.
Thanks for trying guys,
07-15-2003, 12:20 AM
I havent seen Xerent in a month, maybe he's on vacation ?
no i meant flash.cfg every map should have .cfg it inputs class limits and can read out info to the console for people to read when joining. it can enter anything to the console while your map loads. if while the map is loading you need to type stopsound, jsut add it to dod_flash.cfg
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