
05-02-2003, 07:49 AM
What do you all think about the way the v_models have been streched,pulled, sized etc to try and correct the Halflife FOV problem.

05-02-2003, 07:57 AM
:( sux0rz

05-02-2003, 08:06 AM
i'd made me laugh when i looked at the kar98, begins like it should, and ends like a cannon :eek:

nonetheless, i don't notice it that much ingame

Dances w Wolves
05-02-2003, 08:11 AM
they blow harder than a hurricane on a windyer than windy day :)

05-02-2003, 08:23 AM
i like the new ones 'xept the StG44

its cruel what they did to it

05-02-2003, 09:37 AM
I really dont like the Thompson or the MP44...

05-02-2003, 09:39 AM
I like 'em. They look chunkier. Meatier. Yeah 'cept maybe for the MP44, the front sight stands pretty high. Still good though.

05-02-2003, 09:46 AM
i think the sten looks a bit squashed to me

05-02-2003, 10:02 AM
Overall the weapon models are really nice. But I donīt like the MP44 and K98. I donīt know why, but it looks a bit strange.

05-02-2003, 10:43 AM
IMO looks very nice except for the Tommygun and stg44.

05-02-2003, 11:14 AM
Funny? Is funny an option? ;)

Sword bayonette anyone? :P

I actually like the STG44, but the tommygun looked awfully blocky.

My biggest graphics related gripe regarding 1.0, is that one of the shooting effects is really bogging down my system. It might be the smoke or the dynamic lighting, I can't say which. I wish I could turn those off, because during even small sized fire fights, I'm losing a lot of performance. Myself firing an MG42 will have the same effect as a large fire fight. ;)

05-02-2003, 11:23 AM
It didnt work. They stretched it to correct an FoV problem? I never noticed a problem with the old models. All it does is make the end of each gun look like a bloody cannon, its very noticeable. Gives the guns a cartoonish chunky feel :(

I can live with it I guess, but I ust catn use the Thompson, I cant ebar to look at it. It looks so out of proportion. Sorry Do team, but thats my views :(

05-02-2003, 11:53 AM
I guess if we won't to use the default anim's then we will have to do the same with are custom weapons. so the hands, clip etc will be in the right place.

05-02-2003, 12:30 PM
I think it's fine, so long as they tell us what scaling convention they're using. Fat per foot? ;)

05-02-2003, 12:43 PM
its a very mixed bag. some weapons benefit from it, some look HORRID. all and all i think they should have spent a bit more time working on it.

05-02-2003, 12:44 PM
v1.0 made me realize how incredible some custom models are, because although 1.0 was a giant step forward it still couldn't compare with a fully customized 3.1.

Corporal Rossi
05-02-2003, 01:29 PM
most definately beef, I think Devin's ssv3 is the ultimate in player models, I just cant be topped (well axis at least)

05-02-2003, 06:39 PM
I replaced a few of my 1.0 V models with my 3.1 customs and they all worked fine. Even the hand fed mg's. I kept a lot of the 1.0's b/c I thought they were as good of any custom out there..or is it here..:)

Anyhow, just an fyi for anyone that cares. The only one thats weird is the bar obviously, b/c you dont see the hand animation when deploying, you can tell by the movement of the barrel when the bipod is in place though.

Captain Higgins
05-02-2003, 06:48 PM
Every V model is absolutely brilliant, except the Thompson. The foregrip looks way, way too "fat". The STG44 looks fine, the foresight is just how it should be...


And the M1 Garand model is the most accurate model I have seen to date, and my darker reskin makes it look all the better.

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