Models: packaging your map for distribution

that L do Pig
07-14-2003, 11:45 AM
If I include .mdl files in my maps, what do I have to do to get them to show up when others play the map.

I assume that the sandbags and otehr default dod stuff are fine and that the custom models from others will take some effort.

What do I need to do?

07-14-2003, 12:00 PM
Pig, sorry, can't answer the main part of your question, this is just a friendly FYI... and, if you were already going to do this, apologies. :)

If you know the model is a stock part of DoD do NOT include it in your .zip/.exe. It just adds to the file size and slows things down.

lol, what's the name gonna be? dod_hoggett? :)

that L do Pig
07-14-2003, 12:24 PM
Shane, My first map, which is just to learn all the mapping functions is dod_pig. It is an Axis fortress with an Allied town seprated by a river and forests. It is a combination of zafod and hedgerow and it is raining.

However, if I can get this stuff down, my first real map will be dod_hoggettfarm and it will be a rural map with barns, animals and the like. Kind of like that custom map that Ragman raves about.

This half life mapping stuff is all new to me but I have the advantage of already understanding 3d modeling and design as I have a Bachelor's of Architecture (which I do not use in the software industry). In other words, I can build it, I just can't get it to function.

that L do Pig
07-14-2003, 12:26 PM

I reverse engineer your response, did I get the answer to my question? Which is, include the .mdl files in your map zip.

07-14-2003, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by that L do Pig

I reverse engineer your response, did I get the answer to my question? Which is, include the .mdl files in your map zip.

No, sorry, I'm even more of a mapping n00b than you. I'm just speaking from the perspective of someone who is responsible for getting custom maps on our server and then trying to get them into the hands of players.

Smaller .zip = better
no redudant files = better (people get worried when they see your d/l wanting to overwrite an existing model)

I'm sure your question will get answered here though. :)

Looking forward to your work, pig. Knowing architecture will help greatly. Honestly, I think of all the "arts", architecture is what mapping is most akin to.... that whole "form following function" thing. ;)

07-14-2003, 01:51 PM
you should include all your models with your map in its .zip. however stock models are just wasted KB cause everyone has them already so its advised to remove them. I can't for the foggiest tell you which models are stock cause I installed my 1.0 into my 3.1 folder to keep models and textures etc which as a mapper I have a HELLUV a lot of.

Basically just include the custom models in your maps .zip

07-14-2003, 03:02 PM
^ What beaver said.

Make sure you list any custom models in a RES file.

07-14-2003, 04:23 PM

RES file:

Created using resgen:

Very useful for seeing what models and sounds and stuff are actully used in your custom map. I recommend it to anyone who is thinking of making a map public.

This utility generates the RES file for you.

that L do Pig
07-15-2003, 09:22 AM
thanks for the help guys - that was all sound advice.

Also, if anyone else is trying to benefit from this thread see as well

07-15-2003, 09:24 AM
What I usually do before distributing a build, just to make sure, is install a new fresh installation of DoD to a different directory and then install the map and see if it works.

07-15-2003, 01:10 PM
I would but i only have like a GB spare :/

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