v1.0 Model Folders

05-02-2003, 07:40 AM
I had a peek in my dod/models/player folder with the intention of using the Stosstruppe model for my Grenadier class by copying and renaming the file.
Having 1 folder per team (5 in total since para is seperate) has me quite confused. Each only has a single .mdl and a T.mdl. I think I understand how this works, but my question is doesn't this make custom replacements a lot harder?

05-02-2003, 08:00 AM
the axis player models are in .mdl file (i think) try to open the mdl in HLMV and all the textures for the axis players are in there i believe

05-02-2003, 08:05 AM
yup! i.e. if you want to change the skin of the german sniper, the skins for the mg and sturmtruppe change as well! its a lot more difficult right now!

Devin Kryss
05-02-2003, 08:25 AM
Yes. This is why I loathe Submodels. The dev-team may have saved file space, but they have essentially screwed the MSA community. How am I supposed to make super high quality models, that fit in the the size limits of one HL model, which is about 4 megs. ANy more bmps, and it doesnt facking compile! This also means about ONE reference smd PER CLASS! WHAT KIND OF DETAIL CAN I FIT IN ONE FACKING REFERENCE SMD!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MAKE A SET OF PLAYERS WHEN I CANT HAVE MUCH MORE THAN 8 512 x 512 SKINS?

I'm telling yah, this is by far the WORST mistake they've ever made. Not only will this confuse most modelers out there, but the 30 megs of space they've saved on my hard drive just wasnt worth it. This is why they need to make a nother version with high quilaity player models. People with low end computers who couldnt handle the 3rdID or SSv3 can have these default modles if thye like. But please, include an option for us high-end user, a high-quiality model option. It doesnt necessarily give us higher-quailty models, but just gives us the 40+ something player models i wouldnt mind having sucking up 50 megs of disk space. Would it be THAT hard to implement?

Hell, maybe I'll go copy this and make it a thread in MSA and suggestion forums.

05-02-2003, 08:29 AM
whats the "too many normals" error i am getting while trying to compile my tommy model?

Devin Kryss
05-02-2003, 08:45 AM
Hwen you take two faces, lets use two triangles, and have them back to back, and snap the 3 corner vertices together, thus making ONE triangle, with a face on both sides, so neither is see thru. Thats a normal.

=DD=Wolf Kahler
05-02-2003, 02:16 PM
Devin, just do like you did when compiling E&C's FJ in to a full-blown para model. Make the different body models part of the head models, so that when the head changes, the body changes. Or part of the gear. You can have five seperate body models. You're the one who originally proved that, I think.

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