creating a wad file for your map

that L do Pig
07-13-2003, 09:23 PM

newbie - my first map is using the two wad files from above. besides putting the .bsp on my server i assume i need to do something with these since bsp is <1MB.

do I need to make mymap.wad so others can see the textures? If so, how.

everything works fine when running locally, but i wanted to show a few others my map and I don't know how to make the leap from running local to putting it on my DoD server.

Thanks for answering the obviously n00b question...


07-13-2003, 09:35 PM
Well you can include a .wad for your map, but that gets messy for players most of the time. Mappers genrally embed their textures into their maps. This is done using the wad include.

If your using Nems its quite simple just browse for the .wads in the open box in the bsp tab

if your not using nems you need this line in your bsp compile, 1 is needed for each wad.
-wadinclude awadname.wad
-wadinclude anotherwad.wad

07-13-2003, 11:39 PM
Its not as hard to make your own wad but it takes some time.

Embeding you textures doesnt always work but thats up to you.

You start by writing down the names on the textures you used.
I even made a small java program that reads your map file and makes the list for you.
MapParser threadh (

Then you find all you textures in the wads you have been using and extract them with Wally. Always extract them as tga files or you might loose information and the textures might be corrupted.... then simply create a new wad and add all the textures to it.

Lastly you have to go into hammer and remove the the other wads and add your own and then recompile your map.

that L do Pig
07-14-2003, 09:22 AM
does the same go for my models (.mdl's)?

that L do Pig
07-14-2003, 11:46 AM
Ignore my question above. Since it is a new subject, I created a new thread...

07-16-2003, 04:33 AM
I think Quark makes a wad for you as standard- not sure if it works for DoD though?

07-16-2003, 06:32 AM
This is just what i needed.. as i cant be botherd to go round taking all the textures i have used from all my wads..

07-16-2003, 02:03 PM
I have all my own textures in one wad file, which contains about 500 textures- I only use like 23 of them in my map!

Just do the -wadinclude and forget about all the faffing around of making a wadfile (which if not including causes HL to close).
Why use quark? Tis not as good as Hammer/Worldcraft...

07-17-2003, 06:10 AM
Never used quark so i would not no i just use Hammer

07-17-2003, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by CptMuppet

Just do the -wadinclude and forget about all the faffing around of making a wadfile (which if not including causes HL to close).]

Possibly, I think it does. Or you could just use wally to make a smaller wad of the tex's you actually use.

Why use quark? Tis not as good as Hammer/Worldcraft... [/B]

Not worse, just different. It can be a bit harder to get used to, but its just as good for mapping (I use Hammer though)

07-17-2003, 01:49 PM
Yeah I know I could do that with wally, but its a lot of screwing around which can be completely avoided by doing -wadinclude; also wad files make mod directories really messy...

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