model and entity help

07-11-2003, 04:27 PM
Hey. If anyone could be so generous as to help me, I have two things I need.
First, I have a model. It's skinned already, all it needs it to be twice as large as it is now (all the dimensions). You can get it here.
(copy and paste the link)
My other problem is that I am going to make a map for another mod playable in DoD, so I need the various entities, to make it work. Let me describe it for you.
One team must go through the "stargate" to win, this will require a trigger for that team to win, along with the corresponding entities to control music, messages, etc. The other team will have to run out a timer (like the maps charlie, hill, and so forth), so i will need an entity for that, along with again the corresponding entities to control music, messages, etc.
If you can just stick those entites any which way into a rmf for me, that would be all i would need. Please, and thanks for reading!

07-11-2003, 05:00 PM
1 its easy to do and ask the people in the modeling forums.
2 the sound tihng depnds a lot on what your doing, you must be able to map yourself so just go over to the VERC Collective ( and find otu for yourself.

07-11-2003, 05:12 PM
why cant you just give me the entities i need and i will insert it into my map and make it work? Thats all I really want.:( Im not lazy I just dont want to learn how to do all this ok well maybe that is lazy...

07-11-2003, 05:20 PM
to make a sound use an ambient_generic.
to set the countdown etc you need to use an info_doddetect
to send up messages to people you use env_message or game_text

07-11-2003, 06:01 PM
what do i put into the feild "target when built in timer expires"?

07-11-2003, 08:14 PM
that would be the entity to reset the round and give out points. dod_score_ent

07-11-2003, 09:34 PM
ok, i got that down pat, and the axis wins when the timer runs out. But for the allies, I have one dod_capture_area, and nothing happens when i walk into it.
Allies can cap and axis cant. it only takes 1 person to cap. 1 second to cap. target when allies complete capture is al_win (the entity you mentioned).
so why isn't it working?

07-11-2003, 09:48 PM
dod_capture_area is used for dod_control_point it sounds like your going to need the whole kit and kaboole of how to do DOD objectives so go over the VERC collective and look at the DOD tuts, one should give you the info you need.

07-11-2003, 10:05 PM
do i need all that if i only need one capture point?
in other words is there a simpler way.

07-11-2003, 10:46 PM
not really.

07-11-2003, 10:49 PM

Let me offer a small piece of advice.

To be a mapper, you must understand at least the basics of mapping. Among the many, many other aspects of must learn the various types of entities, and how they work together.

The best way to learn is not to have someone else give you all the by one...step by step... but rather to actually spend time "tinkering" with the various programs required to put a map together.

No way around it...your going to have to learn how to map...if you want to map. :)

Spend time visiting mapping related sites, like those already suggested. There are many tutorials available on the internet.

Build yourself little "test rooms" to test the cause and effects of various entities. This will allow you to quickly swap settings and such...or whatever actually.

Mr. Binary

07-11-2003, 11:18 PM
I agree totaly I treid to get you to do it off the bat but you didnt take to that so i fed you little bits of info. but I've told you to go ack to the tut finally because you CANNOT be spoon fed info and expect to do well.

07-11-2003, 11:52 PM
well ok, since you seem to doubt my abilities (not that I blame you, but whatever), I'll say that thanks to Beaver, and I am very grateful, I got it working perfectly how i wanted it. I have a flag I don't need but I can just hide that in a wall =P.
If you still don't beleive me here's some pics from my soon to be released map. It's for a different mod, and I'm only converting it to DoD for one server, Heart of Dixie,so chances are you will never play it.
Anyway, again thanks for the help beaver, the spoon fulls are EXACTLY what I wanted, and I've got it working now.

P.S. does your name have anything to do with that cartoon that used to come on Nickalodeon? :p

07-12-2003, 11:16 AM
OK you are using the stargate i thought you were. man that show rocks :D O'Neil is the best! I'm intrested as to the gate opening affect. cause now HL supports model trasparencys and particle FX you could have the worlds most Kickass version of it yet.

for hiding flags there is actually some options. like Can allies/axis touch this point and Hide control point.

And yes that is EXACTLY what my name is from. I only found out about the other meanings after playing online for 15miin.

07-12-2003, 11:49 AM
AH that great. That's my favorite TV show. You may want to check out the mod then. It's still in early stages, but when 2.5 comes out, hopefully soon, there will be vast improvement.

as for the gate, the one you see there is actually and older model, theres another one with even more improved affects. heres a picture of the textures pf the gate and DHD.[Team]/Brophis/Image12.jpg
Now I didnt make that gate mind you. that's Brophis' lovely work. but the map is mine.
also if you notice in one of the pictures, you see circles on the ceiling. thats for the ring transporters! ( again you may want to check out the mod :D

07-12-2003, 01:11 PM
Mr french is horrible its always the french who lead the SG-1 projects and its always shouted at me when i try and work with french people. nothing personal to any1 french. but I've found the genral french mindest not fun to wokr wiht eitheir. some nice work but I'll wait to start my own version. I know how to do everything nessercary except for coding+sound but I'm learning coding. i'll give ti a go just to see what its like. and man the english needs some work on that site.

07-12-2003, 01:40 PM
wow...I wasn't saying to help them with it, i was saying to play it =P
and if you go in the forums there is an english section, you could get help there.
And fortunately not ALL the people in charge are french. the gate builder for example is from the UK.
yeah the French there seem to be a bit laid back when it comes to translating...
but still all i was saying is to play it an have fun, you do still do that dont ya? :p

07-12-2003, 04:17 PM
ok, i got my model working fine, but the problem now is that it has little yellow balls going around it, even after i check the box marked "NO YELLOW BLOBS". what gives?

07-12-2003, 09:10 PM
what on earth are you using to place the model? you eitheir use model_furniture (replaced in DOD with --> ) or a env_model

07-14-2003, 10:37 PM
ok where is the variable for the amount of time for the timer? all i see is the variable for whether there is a timer or not (yes/no, 0/1).

07-14-2003, 11:23 PM
its in the dod_round_timer entity.

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.