one more question

Dr. Crawford
07-11-2003, 01:23 PM
is there any easy way to add dod animations to HL scientist models or the other way around without hassle? i cant figure out how to do it. but i dont understand why it should be so hard considering they all follow the same skeleton? ( i believe they do anyway - the HL skel.)

07-11-2003, 02:02 PM
They have different skeletons I believe. I've converted the Axis models to grunts though. It takes a bit of work to reassign the bones and junk though.

Trp. Jed
07-11-2003, 11:43 PM
There are slight differences in the DoD and standard HL skeletons, namely the bone names, number of bones and their positions.

You *can* get HL animations to work with DoD and vice versa but its not easy and not something I can easily explain and it require a LOT of effort.

However the end result makes it kind of pointless ans your models will be horribly distorted. Example - trying to put a Barney animation on a DoD model gives him a chronic stretched out look with hunched shoulders.

If you want to try it the basic way to describe it is:

Open the reference SMD for your model and had edit the bones section at the top to match the skeleton in the animation SMD's. This involves making sure they have the same names and the same bones have the same numbers. Any bones in the animation SMD that dont have a corresponding bone in the reference are usually ignored and likewise, any bone in the reference skeleton that doesnt have a corresponding match in the animation SMD simply follows its parent, remaining in its relative position.

That lot may sound Greek but its about as clear as I can explain it.

If I get time over the next month I'll try and write some sort of tutorial along with the other tutorials I'm writing.

- Jed

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Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.