[MREQ] ZB-26, Czech LMG

07-08-2003, 01:24 AM

It would be great if someone took the time to model the ZB-26 (Zbrojovka Brno), a Czech predecessor of the BREN (Brno Enfield... see the similiarities? :-)) machine gun! Of course, as a replacement for the BREN gun.

Here are some links and pics:

German with the ZB-26 (http://www.chinesefirearms.com/articles/gc/Zb26.jpg)
Without the mag (http://www.blackrivermilitaria.com/BROKER/ZB26~A.jpg)
Close-up of the gun's gizmos (http://www.blackrivermilitaria.com/Broker/ZB26~B.jpg)
Another German soldier with ZB-26 (http://www.swallow.com.tw/military/images/german/ger011/g0012b.gif)
Overall view (http://army.tom.com/img/assets/1/tkz_u2.jpg)
Another pic of the gun (http://jetrichovicko.euweb.cz/zbranlkvzor26.jpg)

-=POA=-Mikhail A. Drevokockin (clanm8 of Chiketov... can't use these boards... conspiracy... hate... long story...)

07-08-2003, 01:30 AM
lol, right on the heels of my G24 post..... yeah, a Czech pack for the germans would be cool.

07-09-2003, 09:37 AM
aye i've been asking for the zb 26 for a while now. it would fit the fg42 quite well being 20rds with bypod. make it and i'll skin it. its that simple.

07-09-2003, 10:10 AM
call me stupid but that gun looks like a bren...

07-09-2003, 10:17 AM
yes does.... very strange.....
btw:Any news on the landingcraft?

Panzer Meyer
07-09-2003, 10:30 AM
The gun was invented, made by the Czech, and then was licensed to Britian. The brittish then re-named it the bren. The Bren was bassicly a Czech LMG.

Well, once someone makes it, I'll definetly Czech it out.

Toejam Football
07-09-2003, 12:12 PM
lol Panzer Meyer, Ill definatley "Czech" it out :D

07-09-2003, 01:44 PM
I dont get it... :confused:


07-11-2003, 12:20 PM
Lol kill the wabbit hehehe:) :) /me likes your pic very funny :) :) :D :D

07-11-2003, 12:23 PM
Lol kill the wabbit hehehe:) :) /me likes your pic very funny :) :) :D :D...

07-23-2003, 11:46 PM
I'm itching for a ZB-26, the only FPS i've seen it in was WIE (war in europe) and it was the coolest gun ever.

07-24-2003, 05:24 PM
Put a straight mag on the bren and u have a zb26 :o

07-25-2003, 07:46 PM
No, there are the drum sights and stuff.

ribbed barrel, no barrel change handle...

Now ripa, make a ZB-26 for RO too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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