[MREQ] Gebirgjager
Hey guys, I know about the Waffen SS Gebirgjager pack and loved them, I used the skins for weeks. But now I have an idea for another Gebirgjager skin set. I was thinking all the skins have the field caps and parkars? Ive looked for the longest time for a set like this but I have yet to find one. It seems like there isnt one, might be wrong. Any ideas?
These are the other two I know of:
I prefer the former.
Innoxx, acctuly what gave me the Idea was last night when I DLed your Heer 1943. I tried to give everone in your pack a field caps by coping the hat, not helmet, file and changing the name to helmet. That didnt work. Is there an easy way to do that?
Well, I am not a modeller, but I think you can do it through Milkshape. By decompiling "axis-inf." You delete the helmet, add the field cap skeleton thingy and recompile it. Mind you again, I am not a modeller nor do I have much experience with modelling. There are modelling tuts out there and the community here is very knowledgable. I'm sure someone who knows what they're talking about can assist you.
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