Editing QC for multiple weapon sounds
OK, some of you might think this should be in the Sounds forum, but since it involves editing the .qc in the model file, I think it belongs in MSA.
Anyways, CS, FA, and even the original HL used multiple weapon sounds for automatic weapons to make them sound more real. Is there any way to edit the .qc in the $sequence section to make it use multiple weapon sounds, like
mp40_shoot-1.wav and mp40_shoot-2.wav
07-06-2003, 03:48 PM
This idea was allready brought up before. Yes it's possible but according to our testing, the only way to have multiple sounds is to have the Dev. team code it in. We've tried just about everything possible so it seems the only way for multiple gun shots is to have a the Team add it in. AFAIK. I'll continue to tinker w/ it.
07-06-2003, 05:07 PM
It is possible if the weapon has multiple shoot animations. However, if you attach the sounds to the animations that way, the regular shoot sound will still play over the other sounds you specified in the qc. To get around this, you can replace the default shoot.wav with a null file that doesn't play anything.
This workaround presents another problem, now the 3rd person models don'e play any shoot sounds, to fix this one, attach one to the p_model like you did with the v_model. Of course, the problem with this is that is the p_model sounds play from very far distances, which can be confusing because it can make people far away seem close. You can remedy this partially by making the p_shoot sound much quieter than the v_shoot sound.
07-06-2003, 09:59 PM
In other words, it's a lot of work for something so minimal, and it doesn't entirely function properly anyway.
If only event 1004 worked with models.
07-06-2003, 11:31 PM
If only the Dev team would code it in.
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