A Little Skinning Help Anyone?

07-02-2003, 11:42 PM
I'm completely new to DoD but I've done some skinning in MoH before, so I'm not a total idiot (I'm just a partial idiot). The problem I've got is that I've got the Half-Life Model Viewer and it gives me an error message everytime I try to unpack the .mdl files, so I can't even get to the textures to do my hackjob.

All I really want to do is add some 34th Infantry Division shoulder patches to the default infantry models and maybe vary the rank insignia a little bit, so it shouldn't be too tough. I'm pretty confident if I can actually get a look at the texture layouts I can handle the rest myself.

Can someone help me decompile these things? :confused:

=DD=Wolf Kahler
07-03-2003, 04:03 AM
You won't be able to decompile MDL files with HLMV, I'm afraid. What you'll need is Milkshape 3D [search for "Chumbalum Soft" on Google.com]. It's only $25 to register, and it's very versatile for being so cheap. I personally swear by it, though others prefer 3DSMax.

There's a thread at the top of this forum marked "IMPORTANT" that contains modelling tutorials for DoD and other HL mods. Seeing as hack-jobbing does require some modelling, you'll probably get something out of it.

07-03-2003, 07:27 AM
Like Wolf Kahler said, except if you just want to edit/re-make/ or in any way alter the default skin without adding any new models, open the axis-inf.mdl file and click on the textures tab. then use the pop-down menu to choose the texture you want to edit and then click export. Tinker with them at will. When you are done, make sure the file is in index color mode (if you are using Photoshop). Then open the .mdl in HLMV, go to textures and import. Then click "save model". Hope that helps at all.

07-03-2003, 07:39 AM
Thanks for the help, guys. I'm assuming when you're talking about opening it, 2lt ben, that you mean in Milkshape, right? Then I recompile it with HLMV? All I want to do is make some (very minor) changes to the textures.

In other words, all I want to do is add a 34th Infantry Division shoulder patch to the left shoulder on the Allied infantry model, and I want to add a different set of rank insignia to each model just for a little variety. I also want to add the appropriate officer/nco stripes to the helmets and rank insignia (for officers).

Not much, and I think I can use a lot of my textures from MoH with some resizing/reformatting, so all the work I have to do is decompiling and recompiling, right? I'll get Milkshape today and try it out. Thanks guys!

BTW, I did read a couple of the stickies that looked applicable, but being dense I didn't realize I needed Milkshape.

07-03-2003, 08:40 AM
HLMV doesn't decompile or recompile anything, it's just used to export and import textures.

I want to add a different set of rank insignia to each model just for a little variety. I also want to add the appropriate officer/nco stripes to the helmets and rank insignia (for officers).

Not possible. The current way that sub-models are set up means you can only have like 2 or 3 max. different rank/insignias. You can only edit certain things. You have to edit the models in milkshape, adding in chevrons that will go over where they should (putting a private rank insignia (which is a couple polygons w/ a texture on) on the shoudler.) There is a way to do all the models, look at the Armor division pack, that one has unique ranks and whatnot.

If you look at my 26th ID pack I gave all the bar/mg/garand class private rank bands while all the Sgts have 3stripes on their uniform as well on the helmet. However due to the limitations imposed by the sub-modeling I cant give them different Sgt. ranks. (sgt/master sgt etc etc). And they arn't perfect, the staff-sgt has a pvt. vest and a sgt helmet. The Sgt has sgt body but a regular helmet. I could tinker w/ the .qc file and adding the chevron/polygon ranks to them But it would take a while to figure out and I don't have milkshape right now.

If you understand any of that I'll give you a bag of oreos.;)

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