HELP! How to hide the HUD for overview maps?

07-02-2003, 12:53 PM
Hi all,

In order to create the overview mini-maps for DOD maps, you need to go into the development mode and use the "dev_overview 2" command to bring up the overhead view so you can take a screen capture of it. On the tutorials I have read (i.e. it mentions using a "hud_draw 0" command to hide the heads up display so you can just take a screen capture of the map itself without the HUD getting in the way. However, when I try using this "hud_draw 0" command I get an error message that this is an invalid command. So, I can't seem to get rid of the HUD so I can take a clean screenshot. Does anyone know if this command has been changed or removed, or what I am doing wrong here?

Thanks, Jason.

07-02-2003, 02:03 PM
I would just go into spectator mode, and then just use a black paint brush(in whatever program) and go over everthing on the top and bottom. But I'll look for that command.

07-02-2003, 10:49 PM
you need to remove each item, going from memory but they should be right

cl_hud_ammo 0
cl_hud_reinforcements 0
cl_hud_objectives 0
cl_hud_health 0
cl_hud_objtimer 0

07-03-2003, 01:29 AM
Thank you, thank you, guys. The five cl_hud commands worked great when you spawn as either a sniper or an MG (to avoid the crosshairs). Wonder why there's such a lack of readily available documentation about this? I'd really like to see more custom maps shipping with these overviews instead of just leaving them out. Maybe I'll go write an article for the VERC, now that I've figured it out...

07-03-2003, 07:17 AM
I just use bsp slicer to get the layout of my maps.

it slices ur bsp into a bmp.


07-03-2003, 07:19 AM
and with a bit of editing it can look like this :D

07-03-2003, 02:30 PM
Very nice :)

I'm just too damned lazy to go about editing the overview to make it pretty--I'd rather let the Half-Life engine do all the work of producing the overview for me.

07-03-2003, 03:02 PM
hmm, if you just go with the overview shot it's not going to look too pretty. It'll just look like a picture and not a map.

07-03-2003, 03:26 PM
in most mods the overview is just a mini-map, but in dod its ment to be an actual map, note the cross lines and grid references, and words next to the objectives.

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