[MREQ] normal size wavy flags.

07-01-2003, 05:33 PM
I have downloaded some high polygon wavy flags and I like them a lot. The problem is that they are to big and sometimes obscure my view of and enemy when he can see me just fine because he has normal flags.

Could one of you modeling wizards make a set of flags with the same textures and animations as the big ones but with the same size and orientation(the flag part points in the same direction) as the default ones.

07-01-2003, 07:32 PM
I actually concur with this. I use MaRzY's flags (with the Canadian flag over the British) and I love them, but would like to see someone do the same war torn type textures on the default sized flags. The larger ones actually go through ceilings and such in some maps.

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