Question about wad files (and a picture for one)
HS The Whap
06-29-2003, 06:32 PM
I made this crate texture out of a high-res photograph I found on some Indiana Jones fansite. I wanted to put it in game, by replaceing a picture in a current wad files. Is that possiable? Here is the picture, for those intrested:
Yes it's possible. Just delete the old pic in the wad and add that one. Make sure the new has a same name than the old one. It works then :)
Try it out.
HS The Whap
06-29-2003, 11:18 PM
ok, now that I know it works, what program do I use to do it? :D
wally, you can use it to create wads, and modify wads.
If you have anouther program (like photoshop or paintshop). Its eaier and better to just make the texture in there, then change it to a wad in wally(or u can put bullets and stuff in textures using wally before you convert). Or atleast thats what I've done in the past...
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