Map Layouts?

06-29-2003, 04:43 PM

as i was doing a little mapping to day i wondered about the layout of my map and how rubbish it looked so i began to think about a new layout for flag and spawns ect...

but as usual i couldnt think of anything that would work very well :(

so can you expert mappers let some of your secrets out to a fellow mapper on how you come up with such good layouts ? including spawns, flags and stuff

do you design the whole maps layout before you even start on the map ?

thanks for any info :) :)

06-29-2003, 05:08 PM
well, i'm no expert mapper, but i plan a lot of maps... I've found you can really whip a map together if you're chatting with someone on AIM about it, it keeps you motivated and positive to have input (just make sure they aren't an ass about it :P) but be willing to take criticisms and stuff. One of the best ways i've found to ruin a map idea is to think about it all by yourself, you eventually just tear it up and say 'it'll never work, pah!' if you just internalize it. Get some input on the design, it really helps me at least.

06-29-2003, 08:08 PM
i just go with the flow. i've planned about 2 maps and by the time i was don they wernt recognizable.

06-29-2003, 08:40 PM
I just make it up as I go along in my head. first i think of the theme and main idea, then layout, then get into the details of spawns and flags.

06-30-2003, 12:53 AM
Yeah, I just go with a basic layout, and maybe include some details aout building design and where gameplay affecting rubble will be and whatnow. But of course, what you start out with will never be what you end up with.

I really like Orbs idea and am going to try it soon. I think that that could really help your layouts. Just make sure the other person is sane, and knows a little bit about how things will work, and not just "you know what would be cool, is if you had 300 bombers fly over, drop bombs, and then suicide crash", if you get my drift.(I've had things like that suggested to me before).

06-30-2003, 04:11 AM
I always make overview plans and even sketches how I want specific details to look. As you become better at mapping you will know how to design the map to keep rspeeds down, so you dont have to cut to many corners from you plan.

I also think about the feeling you should get when you play the map, thus I make sketches of things I think can improve that feeling. I know thats somewhat from higher courses but that suits my way of working.

I think its more important to find something that suits you, but makeing a plan before working mostly ensures higher quality maps.

06-30-2003, 04:14 AM
It really helps if you study art...
Don't actively try to think up ideas, just sit outside doing nothing in particular (make sure you have a notepad to draw, sketch, write down ideas) and let the ideas come to you.

06-30-2003, 08:59 AM
yea, i draw blueprints of my ideas, even being in a place gives you an idea. I went to spain in the easter, and there was a market square with fountain, church and balconies, and thought that would make a great cs map, but my brother does the cs maps, so i just discussed it with him.

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