[MREQ] Hackjob

06-26-2003, 04:51 PM
Hey guys what i am asking one of you hackjob professional's if u could make a garand with a little bit of everything from different garands.

I really love the Wood model (im not sure if the wood bit is a model) on Nomad's garand but the metal near the back pisses me off cause i see reference pictures of garand and it isnt round its more square. This is where triggers Garand comes into play. Is it possible to have nomads wood and triggers metal models on one garand? If it isnt possible thats cool but if it is could someone try doing it for me or for everyone who wants it?

06-26-2003, 09:28 PM
you're probably just in need of a better/different texture for the wood on the garand, you might try bugging some of the texture guys around here to do a texture for my Garand. If however, you are bent on getting the two weapons together in a dark room to see what happens, it's a pretty simple process to change the bolt from nomads model to that of mine. I'll even give a brief walkthrough of how it could be accomplished:

1. Decompile both models into their own seperate directories

2. Import up the refrence smd from nomads model in milkshape and delete the bolt and hands, export that out as, say stock.smd

3. Import the refrence smd from my garand into milkshape and delete the stock

4. Import the stock.smd that you just made on top of my garand, make sure to uncheck skeleton when you import.

5. If all goes well, they will mate well together and everything should still be properly assigned to the skeleton, export that out with the same name as the original refrence smd

6. Copy all the textures from the other garand into the folder you are going to compile in, put $cliptotextures in the smd, and recompile.

06-26-2003, 09:35 PM
I have tried this but i can't save anythign cause my milkshape isnt registered and has expired so that y i need someone to do it for me :)

Devin Kryss
06-27-2003, 07:22 AM
If I wasnt so damn busy....

This might be easy, I'll give it 10 minutes, let see what I can do.

Devin Kryss
06-27-2003, 07:54 AM
Im done, ill send you a PM with the link.

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