
06-25-2003, 02:22 PM
Ok - I just logged on after a long absence, and after reading the thread below, I thought I'd give all you Festung fans an update on the map.
I've been working on the new version for about a week now - the first order of business was to make a new exit from the Axis spawn straight into the courtyard - this will go a long way to discouraging Allied players camping the Axis spawn exits.
Secondly, I'm in the process of making a lot of new texures. I have to replace a few as Valve bought them from me for Dod 1.0, so I no longer hold the copyright.
Third, I will be implementing a weapon strip for Allied players. Spawning Allies will start with just a knife, with a pistol and possibly grenades available for collection from a dead guard within the protected spawn area. The further Allied players progress from the spawn area, the better the weapons will be that can be collected. There will be a consideration for 'risk and reward' regarding the placement of weapons. I have not decided yet whether or not the weapons should be a mixture of Allied/Axis, or just Axis.

Anyway, that's it for the moment - if you have any ideas that you want to share, I'll put some time in to consider them.

06-25-2003, 02:30 PM
Well here are my ideas:

If you ask me giving them a pistol is kinda bad as well. They should just have a knife. One or two players will be able to pick up weapons from a dead guard(s). This one or two players will kill and then allies can pick up the weapons from the axis. This would make it much more exciting and there really shouldn't be too many problems about getting gear. Someone always drops someone early and the more people who secur weapons the more weapons they will be able to select from. I don't feel a pistol is needed, and deffinately doesn't suit the consept. Hell, if you ask me a knife isn't really necessary and so it would be cool if the allies had nothing at all... knives really aren't that important.

Someone on the map there should be a storage room where the allied prisoners gear is kept. If this could be placed not all too far away from the allied spawn they could secure sidearms, (knives) grenades and maybe a small selection of primary weapons.
Another german armory should be somewhere else in the castle where a larger cache of weapons are kept, although strictly german ones.

This is basicly all i have to say about the map, because i think festung totally rocks. It's just he way allies start too well armed thats bothered me....

Anyway, thanks a HUGE bunch for remaking the map. I'll be looking forward to it's release.

PS: Promise to supply us with in-development eye candy. :)

06-25-2003, 02:47 PM
Hey Tolchok, Long time no see.

If you want me to update the dead axis guard with a 1.0 model let me now/. Incase you don't have my e-mail anymore its geined@imaterrorist.com

Looking forward to the new Festung.

06-25-2003, 02:51 PM
If your at a long absence you may of missed my update to the .fgd I included all the weapons I could (some dont work) and added lots of functionality. I'd love it to help bring back a great map. http://members.shaw.ca/dvdgillen/file/dod.fgd

06-25-2003, 03:09 PM
yeah, take away the pistols

ps: i laughed at your nick for like 5, maybe 10 minutes... are you russian?

06-25-2003, 03:10 PM
Pinhead - I have to admit that I haven't as yet downloaded Dod 1.0 - I want to get the geometry and textures fixed before I do that - so I'm not up to date on how Dod actually works. You mentioned picking up weapons from dead opponents - is this now a standard feature of the game?
You are right concerning the Allies spawnig too heavily armed. I will (if I can fit it in - its already maxed out entity wise in 3.1) be including a cache of Allied weapons if I decide to have Allied weapons available, and also a better defined armoury for the Axis. And yes, as soon as I have some pics, i'll post 'em.

-GeineD- Thanks - an update for the dead Axis guard that you made for the last version would be very much appreciated.

Angry Beaver - Thanks for the reminder - I'll go download it now. I remember having to put some chicanery into making a collectable Fg42 in the last version because the weapon model turned out to be a BAR.

06-25-2003, 03:43 PM
Well if you've been out that long. You will need hammer 3.5 its a beta update with mdoel veiwing in Hammer. and wepaon pickup and dropping is a standard feature now.

06-25-2003, 03:51 PM
I like Pinheads idea, the weapon drop on every dead soldier is a standard feature in the game. And I'd say to make it axis weapons only :)

06-25-2003, 03:51 PM
Thank god for weapons dropping because it also limits the amount of weapons you can carry. It got a little bizzare when i was running around with an M42, a colt, a luger, a garand, and mp40 and so on. :D

The weapons drop pickup thing is the best thing that could happen for the type of gameplay festung has/ should have.

06-25-2003, 06:33 PM
I have never played festung but it sounds very exciting, I will download the new version when u release it. :)

06-25-2003, 06:41 PM
Festung was one of my favorite custom maps. Can't wait :D

06-25-2003, 07:00 PM
You mention being close to the entity limit in 3.1 - FYI, there are a few features in 1.0 that can reduce your entity count, like func_breakables effectively doubling as the breakable wall/dod_object_goal combination, and a lot of entities that now reset at round start properly or generally work a lot better (e.g. trigger_auto can be set to fire at every round start now).

I'd love to see this excellent map be brought back!

06-25-2003, 07:12 PM
I can't wait either (http://dodmaps.ngz-network.de/reviews/dod_festungv34.jpg)!! The movie (http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0790752395.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg) was also one of my favorites....and then there's the dod movie (http://www.fileplanet.com/filelist.aspx?s=73809) based on the map as well. that was awesome! :D

06-26-2003, 01:54 AM
Yeah, it's not a realistic movie, but it's just alot of fun to watch. I just love it. It's a classic.

German Killa
06-26-2003, 02:16 AM
wooho, one of the best maps will be back :D can wait to play it. if you need a server for a playtest let me know.

06-26-2003, 02:46 AM
Gasmasked Devil - No, not Russian. My name is taken from the film 'Clockwork Orange'

-iNw-Andy - Thanks for the entity info. Actually making the entities behave themselves is probably the most time consuming part of doing festung updates - previously, I had major problems preventing certain entities resetting when Team scoring was triggered. The new .fgd may allow me to streamline the escape scoring mechanism which is very complicated - its actually a physical machine that the escaping player passes through, triggering events in the correct order. Although it has proved to be bombproof, I'd like to simplify it and salvage some entities that I can use elsewhere.

German Killa - Thanks for the offer of playtest time. It will certainly need it.

06-26-2003, 02:55 AM
into the cable car areas and away from jail area.
I know many times the gaem was ruined because the entire axis team would either camp the exits from the jail or the cable cars.

Maybe a new route that is blowable with bazookas OR charges you must find.

I loved this map when the above didn;t happen though.

Something about hiding in the cable car repeating "please don't let them see me" over and over until you make it hehe.

If there is any way I could help I would be happy too.
I've played DoD since 1.3, and I have made a few hoaky maps.
I never released them because the stuff here makes it pale in comparison hehe, and the 1 good map I was making got erased so I gave up for now.

06-26-2003, 03:35 AM
No, walls should not be blown by rocket launchers. They should be blown by TNT. Using rocket launchers indors is not a good idea.

06-26-2003, 12:31 PM
sure it is pinhead, I'll show you on video camera, that is just after I find my arm....

06-29-2003, 09:11 AM
I look forward to the update!

Lose the yellow coloured [light] lighting used around torches;
Once the entire allied team has escaped, the allies win;
Make an accompanying map based around what happens at the other end of the cable car... :D

06-29-2003, 10:28 AM
Valve brought the textures from you..what do u mean by that? So, Valve owns it and u no longer have the right to use yr beloved textures for festung?? Is Valve using it for other games besides DoD? Anyway, those textures are nice..il ike the white/beige walls....very good afika texture style if u know what i mean....blends very well with widerness snow or wilderness desert.

06-29-2003, 10:36 AM
Umm have u ever played Festung?
Its set on a mountain in Germany/Austria, and its covered in snow.

I think the festung textures look low-res now. Why the hell did valve buy them? Perhaps they were used for a while in TF2.

Edit: I see u'v now added "wilderness snow" to ur post, but it still sez "wilderness desert"

06-29-2003, 10:50 AM
no they bought just a few textures used in glider and couple of others? not the whole festung texture set :)

06-29-2003, 12:54 PM
Valve bought a number of textures (I think 18 from memory) from me that where included in Fuzzdad's Dod_Glider. I have made replacements for these and a lot of other new ones.

06-29-2003, 02:52 PM
the glider wad has a sign which says "Festung"...

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