MREQ: ToxicWaste MGs with high poly hands, etc.
The Cheat
04-30-2003, 07:06 PM
Rabid Whale
04-30-2003, 07:42 PM
Hey, I did the 30 cal... :mad:
Anyway, I will be able to get to it tomorrow or Friday. I don't have any of the models with the high poly hands; could you link me to one? I am assuming you also want Marksman's sleeves, right?
The Cheat
04-30-2003, 09:43 PM
omg i thought they banned me or somethign because i wasn't logged in. Scared me! Lol. Anyway yes i have many models with thehands if you need them. And yes marksmans sleeves would be sweet too.
That's really cool how only 1 person responds out of the 45 people who read the one word. Good job on being cool!
This was the first thing I did to these. :D Give me an email or AIM name and I'll get it to you ASAP.
The Cheat
05-02-2003, 09:03 PM
aim = lifesabanana
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