can someone explain this.....

Sly Assassin
06-24-2003, 03:31 AM
Ok I've got these two entity errors listed below and don't know what they mean or how to fix.

Solid Entity (Button_target) is Empty.
Solid Entity (dod_trigger_sandbag) is Empty.

I can't find the button_target entity anywhere on my map, as I haven't got many entities on it yet, but I know where the sandbag one is but don't know how to fix it.

Cheers for the help.

06-24-2003, 03:36 AM
Ignore them. I've got 6 of these right now, and have been told to ignore them. If you use the built in 'Problem finder' to fix it, it just deletes it. So just ignore it.

Sly Assassin
06-24-2003, 03:37 AM
Originally posted by Winnebago
Ignore them. I've got 6 of these right now, and have been told to ignore them. If you use the built in 'Problem finder' to fix it, it just deletes it. So just ignore it.

Ok cheers for that :D quick answers as usual :D

06-24-2003, 06:43 AM
I find that the "Problem Finder" (Alt+P) dosen't fix this problem.

You can get rid of the errors by using the menu option: Map > Entity Report.

You have to go though all of your Button_target and dod_trigger_sandbag entities one-by-one selecting them and pressing the Go to button.

You'll find one button_target and dod_trigger_sandbag entity that will take you to the middle of the map NOT highlighting anything, this is the entity causing the problem, deleat it.

I find it's due to Hammer not deleting the an entity when you combine either two entites or an entity and a brush together.

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