Source Tut: Engine-blade trap!

12-23-2004, 01:29 PM
ever wonder how you could make the traps with engine blocks and spinning blades like valve did for ravenholm well, now you can

heres a zip file with the vmf and bsp

what i did basically is

made the engine with a prop_static

made a prop_physics_multiplayer for the blade and lined it up to the engine according to the "hole" or gear or w/e

then i used a phys_hinge to hinge the blade to the engine by using the origin circle in the center to set the exact point of hinge for the model

then a phys_motor that spins the blade

for more specific details just look at the vmf and all the tabs in the entity properties, so the blade doesnt go cookoo

01-04-2005, 12:36 AM

01-04-2005, 02:37 PM
sweet. imagine flugplatz (sp?) with planes that featured spinning propellors. imagine the chaos that would ensue.

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