getting models to work right.

06-21-2003, 12:40 AM
hi im new to these forums and have a couple of questions reguarding models.

i put the light model street_lamp1.mdl in my map, added a env_glow and put a light ent above it. now in game the model is there which is great, same thing with the env_glow but, the model its self is dark. i have no clue where i went wrong, here is a picture of what i am talking about.

also when working with models in my map i can't seem to put them close together. here is a WC/VHE shot of what i mean, when i compile i only get the tree on the left to show up. even tho in WC/VHE there is 2 of them. am i missing something??


thx for any1 who helps or even tries to help
i am a n00b an i will always be one.. hehe


06-21-2003, 03:31 AM
For the first picture:

I get this as well, I'm experimenting at the moment and I think it's to do with the clip brush, well that's what's causing the problem for me.

Can anyone else offer any help?

For the second picture:

Make sure you haven't got the model sticking in the ground, This can stop it showing up in game. Look for the little red cross on the model in hammer, make sure it's above the gound.

06-21-2003, 12:41 PM
1st pic:
If your clip brush goes over the little X you get in the model bounding box you WILL have a problem if your func_wall blocks light. the problem is that it shades models all 1 light. it judges this light from that little X. so if a brush covers it no light can go through the brush.

2nd pic:
try putting trees like 32 units off the ground and turning the "drop to ground" flag on.

06-21-2003, 02:05 PM
1st pic:
Yes Angry Beaver, that seems to be what I've found out so far.

The problem is due to making the func_wall Light Flags (Zhlt 2.2+) Opaque, seems fine if it's set to normal.

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