Models or Prefabs?

04-30-2003, 05:47 AM
I am placing a few models in my map, but I found a few "problems":

-I placed boxes around models with CLIP texture, to make them "solid". Some one tell me to use another texture since bullets can pass CLIP texture (I am not sure). What about this?

-Also, I want my models to cast shadows... how do I do it? How do I place a "transparent" object with will cast shadows?

-Is there any adventage/disventage os using models instead of prefabs? (prefabs will be solid and shadow-casters directly)

-Is there a way to convert models in prefabs or .rmf or .map?

My map is a very big-open one (it has 3000 r_speeds!) but me or none of my friends has seen any slowdown... (we have from 1200 to 2400 cpus with GForce2MX and up). Is out there really many people playing with slow computers? :D

04-30-2003, 05:56 AM
Using models will really bring your r_speeds down. And you should read some r_speed reduction tutorials :D. 3000 is really way to much. 1000 is acceptable for a custom map, but much more always lags online.

04-30-2003, 06:43 AM
If you need any more help "clipping" a model, then look here:

I hope this helps.

04-30-2003, 08:13 AM
Thanks, I am looking this tut (I have visited a lot this webpage, but never found this tut!)

I have read many r_speeds tuts, but a)I am very lazy b)I have problems inherent to my map: it is not a custom map but a real map. It is not based in a real location, in fact it is like the real location :) You make tourism as you are playing DoD!!!!

I have made a map based in the main square of my town and as it has many open space, it has to have it. I even have to incrementate the "max viewable distance" of the map to 8000!

Yoy can visit my page at There is many pics from the map and also a download file! (I plan to put a .bsp with included textures as soon as possible, so you will not have to download kami-platinum to see my map running). Oh, and you will also be able to download a game I am doing!

04-30-2003, 09:32 AM
Use func_wall instead of CLIP if you want it to block bullets.

Render mode: Additive
Render ammount: 0

This means the func_wall will not add to r_speeds (do a test map with just a skybox).

04-30-2003, 09:46 AM
Models look better as opposed to prefabs, and they DON'T add as much to r_speeds. So that's why it's generally better to use models for details and crap. Also, there's 4 ways to clip a model: 1)use a clip brush, 2)a func_wall, 3)NULL texture (blocks bullets and doesn't add r_speeds), and 4)func_button. I think the func_button is the best because you have it target a sound effect to play (ala dod_ramelle) making it seem more real.

04-30-2003, 10:13 AM
will the null texture add shadow also? (and if using ZHLT to make entities shadow-casters)

04-30-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by AMpos
will the null texture add shadow also? (and if using ZHLT to make entities shadow-casters)

You have to be carful though because if you cast a shadow on the origin of the model, it will be black all over. Models pick up light from there origins, not the actual polygons. Try a test map and you will see what I mean.

Only way I know of to get around this is to offset the origin of the model a few feet away if you always plan on adding a shadow to it. But then if you are in a tight space the origin goes in the wall and messes it up, or it gets put in another room and since visual determines whats visible by the origins - the model never renders.

04-30-2003, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Kamikazi!
Use func_wall instead of CLIP if you want it to block bullets.

Render mode: Additive
Render ammount: 0

This means the func_wall will not add to r_speeds (do a test map with just a skybox).

Func_wall will also cast a shadow if you've chosen the right attribute for the func_wall.

I always wished you could specify the location of another entity (like an info_target) and the model would be lit as if it was there, instead of where it actually is.

Trini Lopez
04-30-2003, 10:37 AM
Your map looks really cool !! You should put in it the new tree models that are coming with 1.0. And some sandbags in the plaza would give more cover.
You should really try to decrease the r_speeds as much as possible , I remember a map that was like yours , very cool , but the so high r speeds make it unplayable.


Draft Dodger
04-30-2003, 11:05 AM
You'll want to keep your r_speeds as low as possible, people do still play on older computers. I have PII 766 mhz 512MB ram and a 16 MB integrated video card. Whenever I map I try to keep the r_speeds under 800 even though most people say 1000. You have to remember, you get more lag when you play over the internet as opposed to a lan.

04-30-2003, 11:58 AM
I know I should low the r_speeds but.. hey! it's my first ever map!

I have tryied sometimes to reduce polys and so, but if I am at 3000, I think I could go to 2000 at best...

We have tested my map over internet. We were just 4 playing and we dont see a lot of lag... in fact, I cant see it diferent from other maps I played daily. The server was in an adsl 256/128 and we all were too in an adsl 256/128. Oh, I was in an XP2400 and server was in Athlon 1200 1gb ram.

Of course the map can get his r_speeds reduced, but you have to note that not many changes can be done... the real place is exactly as it looks. If you change it dramatically you lost the main objetive of the map: to be real ;)

Maybe I can sent my .rmf to a real pro-maper and get hints from him, but I doubt that r_speeds can drop to 1000! or even 2000!

You can not see it in the pics, but the whole map is full of hidden passages with silent doors and ladders... I like to kill people with knife ;)

Also the flag in the tower takes 30 secs to be captured...enough time to kill the capturer? :D

The flag in the fountain is planned to be caugh by 2, but now it is only by 1, as we only tested 2-4 people :p

04-30-2003, 12:04 PM
but 1000 is too high.

04-30-2003, 12:22 PM
my personal w_poly limit is 900 or in the worst case 1000. anything above that is just too much

04-30-2003, 12:27 PM
If it is so huge visual wonder, why don't you post some pics?

04-30-2003, 12:45 PM
Craftos, I didnt said it is a visual wonder. I just said it has HUGE visuals. Very long distances (well, for HL motor...). You can check the pictures at as I said in another reply in this thread.

Kraut, my map is in some places 3200 r_speeds (I am trying to get a Guinnes Record, you know...) but it has betwenn 2500-3000 most of the time. Sorry to be so bad mapper :( I will try my best in my 2nd one!

Trini, Muchas gracias! Where can I get this new DoD 1.0 trees?
:D I will update my map to 1.0 as soon as I put my hands in it, dont doubt it.

Is there a way to paint with black the floor, simulating a stupid shadow?????

ANother problem is with my little tress. If I make them shadowly, I will get a pole with a square in the floor, not a round one :( If I only could get a black spray to paint shadows all over...

04-30-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by AMpos
Craftos, I didnt said it is a visual wonder. I just said it has HUGE visuals. Very long distances (well, for HL motor...). You can check the pictures at as I said in another reply in this thread.Ok, I was a little sarcastic :). But I have tried to find pics and in place they are supposed to be niothing shows, after clicking on 'thumbnails' I get page not found.
my map is in some places 3200 r_speeds (I am trying to get a Guinnes Record, you know...) The Guinness World Record is about 6850 (On map by Goofy).
You have to work harder :D

Edit: Pics don't load in Netscape. In IE is ok. Visually looks quite nice, but in no way you can have low r_speeds with such layout as can be seen on pic 31.

04-30-2003, 08:05 PM
oh if theres a record i pretty sure i can break it :D

your map looks ok, but that is only because youve broken 100 w_poly if you didnt break it I think your map wouldnt even being to look decent. learn the tricks and techniques. I dont see that much there that would push 1250 if you worked real hard.

04-30-2003, 10:11 PM
Since dod 1.0 is suposed to have 25 percent better preformance we might be able to push the r_speed limit up a tad . . .

you also haveto keep in mind that r_speeds dont just affect fps they also affect latency so high r_speeds = higher pings

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