[MREL] belt Fed MG34

Ska Wars
06-11-2003, 05:58 PM
How do,

Did this as a request by Steamboat willy. I was gonna jus convert the old 3.1 version of this but kinda ****ed it up so i made this hackjob from scratch.

I have included both a MG34 and MG42 version and P & W models for both (basically jus default with the drum removed)

They both work fine apart from teh MG34 version. Since the MG34 only has one shoot animation the belt is constantly full even if you have only 1 bullet left. However, if you deploy the MG and use the entire belt when you undeploy the gun will look empty. Sorry for this but there is nothing I can do to fix it, but to be honest if you get to the stage where you've used all your ammo belt in game your either on your last one or your one crap shot and are about to be stabbed lol

Quick credits:

The MG34 model is default dod, the bipod is off the default MG42 and the skin is by bots, editor 321 and Selbstmord.

Hope you like it,

Pic (http://www.dodsupply.co.uk/images/Mg34.jpg)

Download (http://www.dodsupply.co.uk/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=6)


Dances w Wolves
06-11-2003, 06:11 PM
great dude, :D

06-11-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by The Cheat
Or you actually know how to play. And you just got through killing 16 allies and you need to reload at the END of your ammo drum, like normal people that don't play CS would do.
Anyways, is there anyway to animate 9 different bulletchain animations to represent full - empty, or is it a coding issue that we can't change?

It's a coding issue.

Anyways, great job on this hackjob. Looks great.

Ska Wars
06-11-2003, 06:41 PM
Glad you like it willy, I was gonna e-mail you a link but I musta deleted your message cos I couldn't find your addy.

I couldn't find any decent sounds so i jus used the default ones, if you find some ones that fit well please send us a link.

P.S. Sorry its taken me so bloody long to release this lol


06-11-2003, 06:43 PM
Sweet! I asked for this a while back!

Thanks muchly!

06-11-2003, 07:18 PM
forgot to say

Great job:D

06-11-2003, 08:51 PM
The main thing that got me to want a belt fed '34 is because Ive seen many 34's belt fed in old war footage.

The default sound for the 34' sound like an old vacuum. The ones ive heard sound very metalic "clicky" .



Ska Wars
06-13-2003, 03:47 AM
I've managed to find some pretty good skins for the MG34. I'll release a different version with these skins on for anyone who doesn't like the picture on the inside of the gun.

Anyone spotted any bugs or anything so far? i dint really have time to test it properally before i released.


06-13-2003, 04:21 AM
/me touches the sweet MG...pssssttt *hot* :p

Might be some additions doing that...

Anywho, great job!! :)

06-13-2003, 04:21 AM
Ska_Wars = Teh PwN

you rock :D im using theese :)

Ska Wars
06-13-2003, 05:33 AM
Cheers lads, glad you like it.

Word of advice though, jus use the default sound if your using the MG42 version. I got shot to pieces last night cos I thought the guy had a MG34 and was reloading, but no, he still had about 200 rounds left lol


06-13-2003, 09:01 AM
Well there is that desapearing belt when reloading bug that do become a lil itchy, if you could fix that it would be great :D

Btw, Ive found a great sound from a new SPR pack, it was originaly a BAR shoot I believe but I tested it and it sounds powerfull :D The "bar" sound was orginaly a mixed 30 cal shoot I think.

06-13-2003, 09:14 AM
Not too accurate but hey different strokes for different folks. Nice job

06-13-2003, 09:26 AM
Hey all,

Nice work Ska as always.

Devin's MG34 has a great sound if you get that but I dont know if it would fit with this work.

=DD=Wolf Kahler
06-13-2003, 03:26 PM
Marylin Monroe on a German gun?

Besides that, it looks good, man.

Ska Wars
06-13-2003, 04:14 PM
Thats monroe? dint notice lol anyway I dint make the skin, it was jus the best one I had on my HD at the time.


06-14-2003, 04:22 AM
Hey all,

I didnt notice that either lol. Ah well the Germans had to like her as well, every other bugger did lol.

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