Lookin for that Sgt.Smash's High powered browning!

06-11-2003, 02:16 PM
A while back, there was a great looking Browning pistol model that was presented by Sgt. Smash. It had no texture though, and ever since then i was just hunting for that beautiful High powered Browning, waiting it to be textured...

Ever since i saw that pistol getting wielded by Claire and Ada Wong from Resident Evil 2 (not sure if it's the exact same gun though), i just have the craving to use it on a nazi.....Zombie, nazi, what the heck is the difference?? :D

so if anyone out there who has the POWER to texturize this sexy pistol and present it to the public, I would greatly appreciate ur effort and ur work. So any great skinner up for it?

06-11-2003, 02:29 PM
People are too lazy to look through threads. I saw the number of times the first picture i posted was viewed then checked the pistol with all the detail and it was about a fifth of the amount. I guess people lost interest since the base model (obviously) lacked alot of work. Its finished now and still needs a mesh. I can have a go skinning it afterward. The problem is there rn't many people that are willing to help out other than model hackers. I posted in the SPS forums too to see if the rest of the gang will help me out. It'll just take a bit more time.

For all you lazy people who were too lazy to look at the last picture here it is.

06-11-2003, 02:43 PM
oh, i guess not many people are willing to see that after this pistol gets whupped with a fresh skin, it will just rock... just imagine it people how sweeeet this will look~! In my opinion the sweet silver colt long ago from which the model was from iono and the skin was from the peacemaker will be topped if any good skinner will give this gun a chance...

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