Accessing Player Models

12-19-2007, 06:54 PM
Hello, it's me again.

I've decided to embark on a quest to make 2 allied player models.

A player model wearing a TANKER'S jacket. And a player model with DOUBLE BUCKLE boots.

I need to find out how to access the player models, import them into modding software (most likely Lightwave) and then import them back into the game.

I'll need help skinning them as well. I'm new to this but pretty diligent, and I can assure this will be completed before Feb. '07. I just need some help.



Trp. Jed
12-20-2007, 05:37 AM
Hello, it's me again.
I need to find out how to access the player models, import them into modding software (most likely Lightwave) and then import them back into the game.

Well first of all, good luck with custom models but be aware it is somewhat more difficult than just simple prop modelling.

A couple of useful threads to check out:

How to pass player model consistency checks (
Custom player model compile kit (

If you want to edit the default US model, you should decompile it with Cannonfodders decompiler and import the SMDs to your modelling app and work on them from there. Although the custom player model compiler kit is based on the German player model, the files are basically the same. You just need to export your US player mode SMD files and alter filenames in the QC file as needed.

As for lightwave, I'm a bit out of date with whats been going on with SMD exporters for it. The last I heard of was this one:

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