[REL]Bauer Competitive Mappack: BaCoMa

07-23-2007, 04:59 PM

Here is the result of 1 1/2 year mapping: BaCoMa

| Bauer Competitive Mappack |
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| BaCoMa_b1 |
| July 2007 |
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First release of BaCoMa

- mapper: Christoph "Bauer" Hippe
- map tester and gameplay optimizer: Aurélien "PanTeroR" David
- Size: 58 MB

| Content |

- dod_lennon /remake of dod_lennon_b3 - original map by Lerfooled

http://pix.nofrag.com/ae/56/5140bf7dcaca737b3af624cc424bt.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/ae/56/5140bf7dcaca737b3af624cc424b.html)http://pix.nofrag.com/c8/72/4d508bc1234121da6583283f92f8t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/c8/72/4d508bc1234121da6583283f92f8.html)
http://pix.nofrag.com/d7/bf/bfdd57b68d127ea77d1d0156a990t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/d7/bf/bfdd57b68d127ea77d1d0156a990.html)http://pix.nofrag.com/de/4b/425ab3d4866caa37dad04f9e231ft.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/de/4b/425ab3d4866caa37dad04f9e231f.html)
http://pix.nofrag.com/d1/a9/9df169c2edfe6482fe64aba471e7t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/d1/a9/9df169c2edfe6482fe64aba471e7.html)

- dod_bayeux_b3 /remake of dod_harrington - original map by Holeman

http://pix.nofrag.com/5f/bf/2d787f79edbf323b5bf053b6e816t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/5f/bf/2d787f79edbf323b5bf053b6e816.html)http://pix.nofrag.com/ce/a2/126b3d5c97f9b8af7ee02d3da4ect.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/ce/a2/126b3d5c97f9b8af7ee02d3da4ec.html)http://pix.nofrag.com/99/78/16937c35992714a0c684f00874a5t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/99/78/16937c35992714a0c684f00874a5.html)
http://pix.nofrag.com/2f/f4/2494d8d9a50e1d754f8bb338ded9t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/2f/f4/2494d8d9a50e1d754f8bb338ded9.html)http://pix.nofrag.com/00/55/b6dcabd929b6fadf564c16a61117t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/00/55/b6dcabd929b6fadf564c16a61117.html)

- dod_strasbourg_b2 /remake of dod_northbound - original map by skdr

http://pix.nofrag.com/b3/c0/4f0bf89b36071533d7adaef181e6t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/b3/c0/4f0bf89b36071533d7adaef181e6.html)http://pix.nofrag.com/a6/c9/52a0090c77221d565c2050fe1a0et.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/a6/c9/52a0090c77221d565c2050fe1a0e.html)http://pix.nofrag.com/6a/29/c5768be71af0c81545a3aebfa76ct.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/6a/29/c5768be71af0c81545a3aebfa76c.html)
http://pix.nofrag.com/78/ed/2de5da0114307af0c55c7c6759ect.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/78/ed/2de5da0114307af0c55c7c6759ec.html)http://pix.nofrag.com/b1/a9/11d193fa31e03b6d0dbdd0da858et.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/b1/a9/11d193fa31e03b6d0dbdd0da858e.html)

- dod_diversion_b1 /remake of dod_diversion - original map by Darkwing

http://pix.nofrag.com/97/06/721774d4ccd2beb44298d6abdfb2t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/97/06/721774d4ccd2beb44298d6abdfb2.html)http://pix.nofrag.com/c0/a2/b4778fbc992c67bc1f5e03619b16t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/c0/a2/b4778fbc992c67bc1f5e03619b16.html)http://pix.nofrag.com/b3/c6/10ec10c1646b0153864f49c1a1dft.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/b3/c6/10ec10c1646b0153864f49c1a1df.html)
http://pix.nofrag.com/c8/1a/a89890c8ff7e607b4c429372b5f4t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/c8/1a/a89890c8ff7e607b4c429372b5f4.html)http://pix.nofrag.com/75/83/1151bf3fe6a8000bd8043ac589a9t.jpg (http://pix.nofrag.com/75/83/1151bf3fe6a8000bd8043ac589a9.html)

| Programs Used |

- Steam
- Source SDK
- Photoshop CS2
- VTFEdit
- Day of Defeat Source


- www.dodmap.com

| Contact |

- email: christophhippe@gmx.de
- ICQ: 339-854-971
- MSN: christophhippe@gmx.de

| Download |


07-23-2007, 05:03 PM
Nicely done!

had no idea you did or were working on Diversion as well. :)

You should try an original next!

PS: Check your PMs.

07-23-2007, 05:50 PM
I could kiss you

07-23-2007, 06:39 PM
Nice Maps


07-23-2007, 07:08 PM
Wow, we are lucky to have an mapper like you!
Keep it up!

ps: my name is also Christoph ;)

You should try an original next!

true :)

07-23-2007, 08:57 PM
Updated all your maps on our server man and added diversion thanxs

Cpt Ukulele
07-24-2007, 07:59 AM
Diversion! Yummy... looking forward to trying it.

The other maps are great remakes. Very nice job, thank you.

Edit: Whoa, sweeping changes for Strasbourg...

07-24-2007, 08:54 AM
Maps are installed and playing on SunLit servers
It was so nice to play Diversion again.
The fps are excellent. Removal of the dark halls surrounding the fountain changes the gameplay substantially.. much nastier :)

The ally spawn felt "cramped" and players fell down onto the tracks. Dont know if that was your intent.

Strasbourg: what was your inspiration for the changes to Strasbourg?
The gameplay and timing is now completely different

07-24-2007, 01:45 PM
Strasbourg: what was your inspiration for the changes to Strasbourg?
The gameplay and timing is now completely different
Ruh Roh Raggie!

Actually, I haven't had a chance to run thought it yet, care to elaborate?

07-24-2007, 02:42 PM
thx people


I really had to laugth when i read your Comment on the cramped ally spawn. I imagine how 6 players jumping around in track not knowing that can jump out of it:D
I think the problem will solve itselft when poeple start to know the spawn

Strasbourg: yes there are a lot of changes. precisely all the changes the competitive community want me to change, because in their opinion strasbourg is the worst map ever!
So i tried to improve it. Time and Clanwars will tell if the changes are effective. (the middle is now easier to cap and i think thats a good thing)

btw: there won t be any further dods map by me. i will stop mapping, or i already did. i will only update bacoma from time to time. depends on what the communitys will tell me to change. but for the next few months i am inactive at mapping

07-24-2007, 04:49 PM
Strasbourg: yes there are a lot of changes. precisely all the changes the competitive community want me to change, because in their opinion strasbourg is the worst map ever!
Bah I say !
We loved b1 in preseason CAL and are running it in the SLDL.
Sorry to hear that you are retiring
Thanks for the maps :)

07-25-2007, 03:50 AM
wow, nice maps, Bauer!
we installed all maps to our custom maps server and added a download mirror:
www.eurosquad.net (http://www.eurosquad.net/vwar/news.php)

i think we should rename our custom map server to "BaCoMa" server. ;)

btw: there won t be any further dods map by
me. i will stop mapping, or i already did.
sorry to hear..

07-25-2007, 04:07 AM
hey bauer, cool release :)
i played lennon quite a bit and i must say it's an amazing map!

sorry to hear you stop mapping. i hope something changes your mind soon ;)

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