
07-12-2007, 03:17 PM
I was wondering after I created my own axis flag for dod:source I notice that no flags for source use normal or phong maps, and I was wondering if there is a reason for this, or if the difference would be too little to even notice and be a complete waste of time?

07-12-2007, 05:10 PM
Mind posting your flag?

Wile E Coyote
07-12-2007, 06:06 PM
I was wondering after I created my own axis flag for dod:source I notice that no flags for source use normal or phong maps, and I was wondering if there is a reason for this, or if the difference would be too little to even notice and be a complete waste of time?Not really gonna notice depth on a flat piece of cloth. Other than that, there's no real reason You could try and mimick the wrinkles at the edge where the flag connects to the pole I suppose.

07-13-2007, 01:11 AM
hmmmmmmmm thats what I thought :( and finally one last question would making the flag in high-res do much or again would the difference be un-noticeable

07-13-2007, 08:10 AM
Up'ing the resolution would do something as long as you fill in detail and don't leave it bland colors, otherwise it'd be the same as if you left it small.

07-14-2007, 02:02 PM
(My opinion)


1) Normal maps:

It looks good without, maybe worse with.
I think if you would use highresolution texture it's good enough, you probably won't see the normalmap details (depends on what you would use).
If you do use a normalmap for the fabric, that is just to fine to actually see, therefore I suggest using highres.

If you would create folds, then that might just look odd cause the flag is alread waving and then the folds don't move with it.
But with the right "touch" it might even look good.

Conclusion: Lack of details for useing normalmap to see clearly.
Highres should do fine.

2) Phong:

I have been working on it a long time ago and I think it was before exponentmaps were "figured out".
So it had a global phong effect, whichs made it look like silk.
But with the right exponentmap it should look better, but I don't think it looks good at all.

Flags don't really have the effect phong has.
If you got a old flag it reflects light much less then an old one.
And in general it doesn't at all really, exept if it's totally white.

Conclusion: At first I think it's not a good idea to use phong, exept for the right detailed "tweaks", but that still would be a minimum phong effect.

- Other ideas which isn't really regarding your question, but I'd like to mention it:

What I have seen a few times is using alpha, which is relatively easy but looks so very cool and you can make your own alpha parts (holes, tears, etc.)
So that is something I would recommend working on.

Also a image flashed into my mind about a flag where a sun is shinging through and you can vaguely see the sun shine through, and (depends on fabric structure) even makes the structure more visible.

07-18-2007, 10:06 PM
Phong might look good on just the flagpole. (possible?)

07-19-2007, 01:28 AM
Phong might look good on just the flagpole. (possible?)
Might look good, and yet it's possible.

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