Updates for Hammer coming after EP2?

06-14-2007, 09:56 PM
Saw this on interlopers -- looks like a 3d lighting preview will be available inside Hammer once EP2 comes out?


Current state of the Hammer Lighting Preview?

Good question. The problem with Lighting Preview is that it is not usable in the current state of our 'release' branch. And I can't merge it from our development branch to our release branch without bringing over a bunch of changes that would not coexist well with the other tools (DLL interdependencies and so forth). So the bottom line is that it will be available once we release Ep2, TF2, and Portal.

-Best Regards,
Mike Durand

Sly Assassin
06-14-2007, 10:27 PM
sweet, sounds good. About time hammer got a make over with things such as lighting preveiw and what not. Wonder what else there will be?

06-15-2007, 12:03 AM
This is awesome news ! ...will be very handy !


06-15-2007, 12:39 AM
The Light Preview mode in Hammer when EP2 is released, is going to be able to render the current scene's light. What I hear is that if you move the camera, it goes back to full lit again, so it is most likely there is going to be a fancy button to render the scene (the current 3D-view). 3D modelling programs works the same way, and we can only hope it also takes radiosity into calculation, or as an option.

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