Problems when testing map in-game.

06-06-2007, 12:33 PM
When I mapped for 1.3, I could compile the map and as long as there were lights and no leaks I could run around in the map I had made if I chose "Create Game" in the opening menu. Now, when I do this, I am not able to join a team or move the camera to see how the map looks from a players point of view.

I keep getting the in-game message that both of the teams are full (even though I am the only one in the game). Before you ask, I do have both axis and allied start positions as well as a player start entity.

Why is this happening?

[looplab] b@d
06-06-2007, 12:43 PM
this happens if the player spawn intersects with the floor, move the player entity a bit over the floor and it is solved

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