Some general questions from a non-mapper

Wile E Coyote
05-06-2007, 06:35 AM
Is it possible to create a parachute flare for nighttime maps? Preferably a very bright white flare that travels slowly across the sky? I know there were simple flares in HL2; It doesn't seem like it would be that hard.
Is it possible to package a specific, alternate player skin in a map AND (this is a 2-parter) if this is possible would a user still be able to use their OWN custom skin if they knew the default path for the "map" skin?
As far as object destruction maps go (and I'm not saying this is necessary) is it possible to make an objective an air strike called in by radio; sort of similar to "dod_smallhill" but to have a fighter actually buzz your heads and destroy a critical object like a gate or wall which allows you to continue to further objectives.
Is it possible to make an object destroyable by bazooka/panzershreck only? Same thing as the current TNT destroyable objects, except with the rocket itself.
Is it possible to have the teams switch sides after a win on a map?
Okay that's enough for now:)

05-06-2007, 08:24 AM
1. Yep, there should be various ways to achieve this.

2. I'm curious about that, too. I think it *could* work. Have you checked the russian skinpack thread yet? There might be some info in it.

3. Yep! I wanted to implement that in DoD_Luebeck, but it prooved to be too complicated for the standard pubber to find things marked by bright red crosses on their minimap.

4. Yep, it is - I'm trying to get this into DoD_Nightingale right now, but it's a lot of work under certain circumstances.

5. Apparently yes, haven't done that myself but I've heard from other maps that do feature this option :).


05-16-2007, 01:42 PM
...on #4

How? some kind of complicated tiered filtering?

05-16-2007, 02:32 PM
Nope, not really.

It's an entity overkill actually - I'll make a tutorial on that as soon as the map is released, which will be in june.


05-16-2007, 02:53 PM
THNX Alby,

Not sure what you mean by entity overkill, but Im excited to see how you did this =)

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