Alternative to PakRat

04-05-2007, 06:04 AM
I'm on the verge of releasing the final version of my map dod_arras... However I can have the minimap working whent he files are individually in the directories (all three files, vmt, vtf and txt). However whenever I compile them with the BSP using PakRat, the minimap doesn't come up!

All the paths are correct, and everything, however its not showing up.

Is there an alternative type of program that does the same as PakRat?

04-05-2007, 06:27 AM
It is a path problem definetly.

If you changed the bsp name after you pakrated the bsp. The paths will be incorrect and will need to be changed to reflect the new name.

04-05-2007, 07:44 AM
I had a problem with Pakrat and my overview map this week. I found that the overview file would would not appear in-game if I had added the three files manually (by selecting each file individually).

However, when I clicked the Auto button, Pakrat found the same files, and after saving the new bsp file, the overview worked fine.

04-05-2007, 02:26 PM
Hey Rolk,

Check that the names of the overview files match the name of your map exactly.

Also, open and check the VMT (in wordpad or something) to make sure that the name is referenced correctly within it.

Also, check that your paths within the BSP are set with a "/" and not a "\" if you manually set your paths. I believe I had an issue once and doing this fixed it.

To test it, pack your files into the bsp, remove your overview vmt, vtf and txt file to a temp directory and run it on your own pc to test it is working. If you can see it after you have moved the files then anyone who gets your bsp file will see your map overview.


04-05-2007, 02:45 PM
i had an issue that the directory saved by pakrat was my own specific steamaccount (just for the overview files), so make sure that doesnt happen with you. i just manually changed them

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