
12-01-2006, 05:31 AM
Hey everybody,

after fixing my DoD problems, I was finally able to complete this beta version. Now I'm already looking forward to any kind of input about the balancing!

As the headline says this is the city of Nuremberg in early 1945.

The size of the map has been cut down from 255 x 115 metres / 29070 square metres to about 215 x 95 metres / 20000 square metres.

I hope that this will result in a faster gameplay and some compatibility with less-than-32-player-servers.

The map still is large enough to cope with 32 players (or more).

The second big change is the setting - now it is gloomy, rainy and foggy with a thundering ambience whereas it used to be a sunset-in-march-scenario before.

Oh well, I hope you'll like it :).








Big thanks to Green/Boyscout for preparing the .exe file and hosting a mirror!

Downloadlink #1:




Also once again Piu Piu is the artist responsible for the overview file and the animated ground textures - muchas gracias, sir.



12-01-2006, 06:33 AM
Downloading and installing now.

12-01-2006, 06:45 AM
Will be on server for a good fraggin'. :cool:

12-01-2006, 06:50 AM
Thank you guys :D

I hope there won't be any problems with the file, though I think it should be fine - it's far less complicated overall than dod_luebeck with all the custom icons, sounds and stuff.

Party on!

12-01-2006, 06:51 AM
great work albatros my friend...i will play this map today^^

12-01-2006, 06:27 PM
thanks man great map i wish u r next map would be Stuttgart west germ thats where im from if u ever think about doing it let me know i could help u with some models and the lay out :)

DOWNLOAD HERE (http://www.oneworldsyndicate.com/owsdownloads/index.php?act=view&id=257)

12-02-2006, 08:26 AM
Great Map. Its on Hooters servers now. dedicated in chicago

12-02-2006, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by coldair
thanks man great map i wish u r next map would be Stuttgart west germ thats where im from if u ever think about doing it let me know i could help u with some models and the lay out :)

DOWNLOAD HERE (http://www.oneworldsyndicate.com/owsdownloads/index.php?act=view&id=257)

Hi and thanks! :)

I'm from Benztown aswell and in fact I've spent about three weeks making a layout, buying books with old views of the Städtle and thinking of routes. I hope I can start working in the new year when there's less hazzle for me in my real life struggle.

Any help as you said with models 'n stuff would be greatly apprectiated, just find me on ICQ or some other messenger.

Also thanks to the others, I've had the chance to play a bit yesterday with some other people and the reduction of size has been really important to the gameplay.

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