bump mapping hands

09-10-2006, 12:54 AM
does the bump mapped hands only work on a dx9 gfx card? cuz when i installed the bumpmapped hand textures from fpsbanna it only gave me really pinkish purple hued hands, im srry if my question was mentioned and resolved somewhere in this forum but my searching skills had failed me on this task...all i need is one simple answer, or just a link to a answer then its all good


09-16-2006, 12:33 PM
You might not have noticed the bumpmapping because the the hand texture doesnt really have very definite grooves/creases. It may have just been very subtle.

09-16-2006, 02:00 PM
I'm not sure on the DX issue. If you're getting a purple/pink hue, it sounds like the bump map wasn't installed correctly. When the vtm file tries to find the bump map it can't locate it so you get a "missing texture" texture. This checkered texture is a pinkish purple with black squares. Just a theory, but it might explain why your hands are hued pink.

09-16-2006, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Genie
I'm not sure on the DX issue. If you're getting a purple/pink hue, it sounds like the bump map wasn't installed correctly. When the vtm file tries to find the bump map it can't locate it so you get a "missing texture" texture. This checkered texture is a pinkish purple with black squares. Just a theory, but it might explain why your hands are hued pink.

Try see if the console say anything about a missing texture.
Or else you can open the VMT file if you can and see if you have the files in the right place.

Btw which skin was it so I can check it out.

09-20-2006, 08:25 PM
i forgot which one i dled, so i got it hosted and see if u guys can figure it out


srry for the trouble :(

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