Map idea: historically accurate weapon amounts

04-28-2003, 02:12 PM
I've always wanted to see DOD place more emphasis on the Carbine and the GreaseGun (the Carbine was the most produced American firearm in the war, the Greasegun was far more used than the Thompson, but both these weapons see little to no use in DOD. Statistics on all servers show people get more kills with the grenade alone, than both weapons combined. This testifies to the weapons' extreme lack of use.)

So, I thought it'd be a cool idea to see a map where the map maker placed severe limits on the Thompson and BAR, forcing players to use the Carbine and GreaseGun. Limits would probably have to be on the Mp44 to make sure the Allies don't get raped, but on the other hand, you could specifically make the map to where the Axis are biased AGAINST in the map, with only their superior weapons to see them through.

I've never seen the Carbine or GreaseGun used in large numbers, and this is just historically wrong. It would also be interesting to see an Axis situation where the Axis are "MG centric" like their strategy was historically.

Of course, if the map's gimmick failed to impress players, there would be nothing keeping server admins from changing the weapon limits themselves. But I still think it's an experiment worth trying.

04-28-2003, 02:30 PM
Well, I don't actually care wether those weapons are used or not but going on your point, if we would do so, there won't be much people playing the map

04-28-2003, 02:36 PM
The server could always just change a mapper's class limits, though. I personally wish class limits were more enforced so we would see some of these weapons more often.

04-28-2003, 02:37 PM


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