US Helmet net

10-27-2005, 10:15 PM
I have looked and did not see anyone discussing the topic. If I have missed it, I am sorry.

I want to do a 101st Airborne/506th PIR Skin. (as close as I can get with the current models)

I wanted to know if anyone has attempted to make the helmet net yet. I have thought and thought on the subject and wondering how the hell will I be able to line the net up right with the VTF. spliting the helmet in the back and the crown being seperated as well. If anyone has done it, how did you do it and can you tell me how.

Thanks Again,

Wile E Coyote
10-28-2005, 05:30 AM

and here is "chicken wire" on a german helmet, also matched up correctly

Although Higgins' hlemet net is not matched up perfectly, you will never notice it in-game. I didn't notice it until I looked at it in the SDK model viewer.
I did match up the wire netting on the waffen ss skin I did. The truth is - it is enough to drive you insane. Since you cannot paint directly on the model (that would be a Godsend) it ends up being a looooong process of trial and error.

-Adjust one string in Photoshop.
-Save VTF.
-Refresh view in SDK model viewer.
-Correct adjustment to that string in photoshop.
-Save VTF.
-Refresh view in SDK model viewer.
-repeat 2-3 more times until string is lined up perfect.
-Repeat entire process 25-30 times to match up all strings.
-Die of old age just before completing project.

If you are serious about making it that perfect (I am a bit anal-retentive when it comes to my own skins) be prepared to set aside about 2 hours just to get the helmet netting right.

10-28-2005, 07:35 AM
Thank You Wile E. I have attepted it already and mine looked the way Higgins did in the back. Thats why I came here.

Thanks Again,

10-28-2005, 11:18 AM
Well, is not close to being done but here is my first attempt at the helmet net. I have nost of the netting lined up in the back with the exception of one strand... (

10-28-2005, 11:31 AM
My next attempt will be to actually cross hatch the strands so they oevr lap one another.

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