Missing shell casings

05-21-2003, 11:19 AM
I'm posting this in the Models forum and the Support forums.

I am missing shell casings on custom models of automatic and small caliber weapons. I've tried a new bullet pack but still nothing.

Most of the custom weapon models I use are 3.1 models, so maybe it's a conflict between 3.1 models and 1.0? Thats what I kinda thought till I realized that my Kar98 and Sniper Rifle models were all 3.1 and they show ejected shell casings.

I've tried models that were made for 1.0 (or at least released following 1.0) and I still get no casings.

I've raised the Multiplayer Decal limit, and I've set cl_particleffx to everything from 0 to 4. I've checked the config file, and I do have a Bulleteject line, and it is set to 1.

I'm running out of possibilities here. Anyone out there with the same problem??? More importantly, anyone out there who had the same problem and FIXED IT????????

-vox populi vox Dei

PIV 2.0Ghz
256M Ram
SB Audigy

Devin Kryss
05-21-2003, 11:43 AM
The problem is your .31 P models. They can be found in you dod/models directory, its just about most guns that begin with P. Use the the p_mp44.mdl as a test. open yours in hlaf-lfie model veiwer. check in the box labeled attachments. If you see 2 red dots, and 2 greenlines, one enar the end of the barrel, and the other at the ejection port, your model should be spitting out shell.s but if its a 3.1 model you put there, you wont see those lines or Attachments. its from those attachments that the DoD code put the Muzzleflash and the shells.

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