sucssesful flags??

10-05-2005, 11:47 PM
some body tell me how to make working flags fod dod:s tell me the entitys and how and wat to do with them plz help guys...

10-05-2005, 11:50 PM
Its the same as it was in HL1, in which case you can do a search and find exactly what you need. had ctf tutorials and its a fact that those entities havent changed.

10-06-2005, 12:31 AM
but the fgd doesnt have dod_capture_area
or can i get a new better one that has it?

10-06-2005, 03:06 AM

this is how i setup one of my flags:
i got most of it from the dod_snow_battlefield_final map.

"origin" "1168 -880 5.41606"
"point_win_string" "MAP_PLAYER_CAP"
"point_points_for_cap" "1"
"point_pointvalue" "1"
"point_name" "a control point"
"angles" "0 0 0"
"point_axis_capsound" "Voice.German_FlagCapture"
"point_allies_capsound" "Voice.US_FlagCapture"
"point_allies_model" "models/mapmodels/flags.mdl"
"point_axis_model" "models/mapmodels/flags.mdl"
"point_reset_model" "models/mapmodels/flags.mdl"
"point_index" "5"
"targetname" "your_capture_targetname"
"point_reset_model_bodygroup" "3"
"point_allies_model_bodygroup" "1"
"point_printname" "the church"
"point_hud_icon_axis" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_axis"
"point_hud_icon_allies" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_allies"
"point_hud_icon_neutral" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_neutral"
"spawnflags" "0"
"point_default_owner" "0"
"point_timedpoints_axis" "3"
"point_timedpoints_allies" "3"
"angles" "0 0 0"
"classname" "dod_control_point"
"model" "*1"
"origin" "1158 -880 5.41606"
"angles" "0 0 0"
"area_cap_point" "your_capture_target"
"area_hud_sprite" "sprites/hud/caparea"
"area_time_to_cap" "0.1"
"area_axis_numcap" "1"
"area_allies_numcap" "1"
"area_axis_cancap" "1"
"area_allies_cancap" "1"
"classname" "dod_capture_area"

two important things to remember are to point the dod_control_point at the dod_capture_area ent using:

"targetname" "your_capture_targetname" in the dod_control_point ent
"area_cap_point" "your_capture_targetname" in the dod_capture_area ent.

also you need to have an "origin" in the dod_capture_area ent that is nearly the same as the dod_control_point.

i hope that's less confusing to read than it was to write :rolleyes:


don't forget (i did) you'll need a dod_control_point_master:

"origin" "1328 -624 309.522"
"cpm_timer_team" "0"
"cpm_timer_length" "300"
"cpm_use_timer" "0"
"cpm_axis_points" "10"
"cpm_allies_points" "10"
"cpm_point_give_delay_time" "20"
"classname" "dod_control_point_master"

and dod_info_detect:

"origin" "1913.53 -952 360"
"detect_axis_startroundvoice" "5"
"detect_allies_startroundvoice" "5"
"detect_allies_subteam" "0"
"detect_axis_respawnfactor" "1.0"
"detect_allies_respawnfactor" "1.0"
"classname" "info_doddetect"

for it to all work :)

=DD=Larry Wilcox
10-08-2005, 01:28 PM
ok, I'm new to this but I'm making some progress.

I have all the entities you mentioned, but just pointing them to each other and everything is what I don't understand yet.

one thing i'm wondering about

what do you mean by "your_capture_targetname"

is it the dod_control_point, or the dod_capture_area

and I can't seem to figure out where to change the "origin"

and Chiefw.

you need to create a box, right click on it. go to "tie to entity"

and dod_capture_area will be there

10-08-2005, 06:22 PM

10-10-2005, 08:43 AM
basically you need to name the dod_capture_area entity then point the dod_control_point at it using the name.
in the dod_control_point entity change this part:

"area_cap_point" "your_capture_target"

where it says "your_capture_target" change that to whatever you like eg: flag1
don't use any spaces in the name.

next in the dod_control_point entity where it says

"targetname" "your_capture_targetname"

where it says "your_capture_target" change that to the same name as in the dod_capture_area
eg: flag1

and I can't seem to figure out where to change
the "origin"

eerrr...edit the "origin" bit.

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