[SprRE-REL] Ikujinonai's Ammo Sprites Again!

05-20-2003, 03:22 AM
The old thread had so many updates and screw-ups and re-downloads that I decided to start clean. This is THE updated version of my ammo sprites, now with flipped BAR/FG42 and Bren clips! Enjoy them.

New Picture:

New File:

05-20-2003, 03:39 AM
Yup they still suck;)

Man those are sweet. Thanks for the work.

05-20-2003, 05:13 AM
/me downloads.

/me overwrites.

05-20-2003, 05:27 AM

05-20-2003, 08:39 AM
They're the best!

*takes them*

Nice work!

05-20-2003, 11:03 AM
Cheers m8

05-20-2003, 05:25 PM
Ha, finally! Good job!

=DD=Wolf Kahler
05-22-2003, 12:03 PM
Yay! ^_^ *redownloads*

Um, sorry to bother you. The BAR bullets still seem to be backwards. -_-

I fixed it for myself, but I say that for anyone else who doesn't know how.

Care if I rerelease this with my slight modifications, Ikujinonai?

Thanks for fixing the clips. That was really nice. Now if only we could turn them all upside-down so at keast the bullets going down would look right in some sense.

Doug the Head
05-22-2003, 02:12 PM
The BAR isnt backwards dooders.

Look for yourself which way the clip goes into the gun:

=DD=Wolf Kahler
05-22-2003, 03:14 PM
Notice I used the word, "bullets," rather than, "magazine." :)

05-22-2003, 03:19 PM
I'm almost certain they're not backwards. Are you sure? The tips of the bullets are supposed to face left and in that position the bottom of the clip is supposed to slide downwards.

=DD=Wolf Kahler
05-22-2003, 03:30 PM
Never mind. I must've ended up with the wrong sprite somewhere. Sorry! O_o

05-22-2003, 03:35 PM
I must be pretty slow because I still don't get how it's supposed to be backwards. Look at this crappy pic I made in paint.

EDIT: Wait, now I'm confused.

EDIT2: To solve your problem, make sure that whatever color you want to be transparent is the last color in your color table (in your case, it's supposed to be white). If you're using Photoshop, it's Image > Mode > Color Table.

EDIT3: Err, I guess you can nevermind the last two things I just said.

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This in an partial archive of the old Day of Defeat forums orignally hosted by Valve Software LLC.
Material has been archived for the purpose of creating a knowledge base from messages posted between 2003 and 2008.