Texture Editing Problems (warning, newb question/go easy)

09-29-2005, 04:30 PM
I'm back into the game, oddly enough. Nice to see Dillinger and Ska around again. I was chatting with Conscript yesterday and he expressed interest in returning to the MSA community.


I have GCFScape and I am well versed with photoshop. Here's the problem:

I don't know how to extract textures
and what to extract them with!

I've been searching for tutorials but come up short. I don't know if I'm just missing it or what.

If someone could point me in the direction of a tutorial or even explain it to me themselves (although I'd like NOT to burden anyone more than I already am) I'd very much appreciate it. Thank you.


09-29-2005, 06:26 PM

VTFTool. That is going to be your new buddy :p

09-29-2005, 11:11 PM
I have another problem, rather than creating a seperate thread i'll post it in here

I can extract and get skins ingame no problem, except when i do these black lines appear all over the black seams have appeared where before i am guessing was some transpereancy thing? Know how to fix it anyone?


for example thats how it looked when i extracted on the left, but when i put my new one on the right ingame, the black lines between the crotch those two little black lines on the front show up ingame! (i fixed this by fudging color over every black spot but it wasn't an ideal solution)

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