Request for help to finish WIP

09-22-2005, 01:04 AM
I've just been rooting through my old maps and I've got one here that was over the g_numplanes limit by a bit so I was thinking of transfering it to Source. The only problem is that I'm going to have to rexture the whole map, which I've already done twice and not keen to do agian. So is there anyone who would like to convert and retexture my map? I can send the wad, rmf and custom models etc..

I just want to have a released map out there since I haven't released anything yet.

:donrluvs: !

09-22-2005, 03:19 AM
Maybe you should just use CSS, HL2 and the comming DoDS textures as they are of much higher quality.

Sly Assassin
09-22-2005, 03:38 AM
Originally posted by Ca-Chicken-Soup
I've just been rooting through my old maps and I've got one here that was over the g_numplanes limit by a bit so I was thinking of transfering it to Source. The only problem is that I'm going to have to rexture the whole map, which I've already done twice and not keen to do agian. So is there anyone who would like to convert and retexture my map? I can send the wad, rmf and custom models etc..

I just want to have a released map out there since I haven't released anything yet.

:donrluvs: !

Ca_Chicken add me to msn bro,

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