Why my realism pack wasnt perfect

08-24-2005, 02:34 PM
Ive been really intimidated to post this but I want to explain the models that werent supposed to be there and the models that didnt match.

You got alot of mismatched stuff in the zip: A w_thighpack model from CS, two unscoped KAR98 models,a qc file in the models folder, a w_backpack model from CS,the KAR98 P&W models don't match,a w_panzerfaust model(why?)and you got inconsistant hands and sleeves.

Ok the reason for the mismatched p and w models is because they werent any p and w models to begin with! I chose the one that looked the closest to the model.

Im not a modeler myself so I apologize for not being able to model the sleeves but I did put Splinter's (sorry if im not correct) sleeve textures on all the models, and I also included the hand textures.

[QUOTEIt's probably everything you can get off the DoDec.[/QUOTE]

That is partially true. I did get most of those models off DODEC but some were featured there. Two of those models I got the sleeves redone by Splinter himself (mp40 and the luger).

Things I did wrong because I was young and eager to get the pack hosted: I included unwanted map folders and Counter Strike models (I seriously dont know how they got in there) and I also included a sound that should be removed called bullet chain.

So thats what I have to say. I couldnt reply because the topic was closed.

Here is the link if you want to download it. Fileplanet was only hoster I could get.


08-24-2005, 03:03 PM
Well, I have K98 p&w models without bayonettes to match the v models (they're Splinters models, EZ did it for me. Thanks again EZ :D )

I also put Splinter's hand & sleeves on all of the models I use (properly, not just resizing the textures.)


08-24-2005, 03:58 PM
That awesome dude. Think you could email them to me sometime?

I created that realism pack tho like a couple months back so I could help people to have the best models without having to download them all ya know. I just wanted to show my point.

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