preview: DoD_bridge2

04-27-2003, 05:09 PM

just wanna let you people know

dod_bridge2 is still gona be released assoon as 1.0 is.


want it to be brits or not ?

04-27-2003, 05:14 PM
Looks very good man, good work. :p Whats the objectives gonna be?

Dances w Wolves
04-27-2003, 05:15 PM
YYYYYEEEEESSSS!!!! :D I LOVED THIS MAP!!!! this was my FAVOURATE map!!!, the only thing that could make this 100% shagadelic... is it brits???? :D even if it isnt, thank god this is comeing back it looks beautiful !!!!!!!!!

04-27-2003, 05:15 PM
wow very nice
got any other pics?

04-27-2003, 05:15 PM
as for me, i never got around to playing bridge, but i'm sure many many people will be happy to see this thread.

04-27-2003, 05:34 PM
looks outstanding.

04-27-2003, 05:35 PM
Looks great menkey :>

04-27-2003, 05:35 PM
Looks really nice IR. I say no Brits because how else would I be able to MG camp the bridge! Looks great.


04-27-2003, 05:43 PM
the bren maybe? There saying the bren acts like an mg to so thats why the brits didnt get one. :p

04-27-2003, 05:47 PM
Looks excelente my friend

04-27-2003, 05:54 PM
OMG so great im taking a trip down memory lane right now....

I would'nt really care f it was brits or not its up to you guys, either way ill love playing it.

04-27-2003, 05:59 PM
Hmmm, not sure about brits, maybe it's worth a shot. After all, you can always release a later version without them if you really want. In any case, that is damn good work. :D

04-27-2003, 06:05 PM
"I CANT belive its not BETA!"

yeah great job!:cool:

04-27-2003, 06:07 PM
no brits and it looks great!

04-27-2003, 06:08 PM
I'd say YES. Make it Brits. There are only 3 of the 15 official maps using Brits, so we need a few more, and frankly Bridge would be a perfect place to start redressing the balance :D

04-27-2003, 06:18 PM
so sexy can't wait, don't carea bout the sides though, either would be great, or make two with the sides being different.

04-27-2003, 06:20 PM
good to hear it'll be coming out with 1.0.

I'd say Brit it up, like snow patrol said, we only have 3 maps with Brits.

04-27-2003, 06:23 PM
yes this map rules ..please show more pictures !

And add please a "shadow" on some Models (trees,sandbags..) .

04-27-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by happyernst
And add please a "shadow" on some Models (trees,sandbags..) .

Not sure if that is possible with out a sprite.....

BTW: sweet map I love the old bridge!!! :D

04-27-2003, 06:42 PM
I LOVE YOU! Bridge is my favorite of all time. It looks fantastic.

This is a side note - is it possible to have brits and americans on the same map, on the same team vs. the axis?


04-27-2003, 06:50 PM
Jix, I answered this in your thread on general. :D

04-27-2003, 06:52 PM
Thanks phokus! Much appreciated.

Just so my post is helpful in some way to this thread - I think bridge 2 should remain americans vs axis. My 2 cents.

04-27-2003, 07:01 PM

04-27-2003, 07:15 PM

04-27-2003, 07:27 PM
It looks beautiful, IR. I particularly like the broken wall around the grassy area. It just has a nice look to it. :D

Monkey Lib Front
04-27-2003, 07:42 PM
Looking saweeeeeeeet, even though im all for Brittish Maps, keep it US, stick to the plan stan.

04-27-2003, 07:53 PM

04-27-2003, 08:23 PM
OMFG, why are you waisting your time updating the absolute worst map for DoD ever played? The map was a fricken boring deathmatch type match!


I can't wait for it. Can we play it now? How bout v1.0 with just this map, you know, a little earlier than the others? That isn't too much to ask.

04-27-2003, 08:30 PM
Add brits.

04-27-2003, 09:59 PM
It is looking good and i loved dod_bridge but what is up with the unrealistic roofs with no overhangs? i see a lot of mappers make this mistake and it ends up taking a lot away from the map's atmosphere

You should try releasing 2 versions durring testing one with brits and one with usa and see which version is more well accepted that is the only way people will know for sure which is better . . . :)

04-27-2003, 10:00 PM
I was wondering, why wasnt this map submitted for b4(1.0)?
it should have the same game play as the 1.3 version(which was excellent, beside the whole spwan camping thing...),and it looks much much better so why?????? :)

04-27-2003, 10:10 PM
To be honest, I think you could of went with a more consistent theme with the textures. Mainly all the house ones.

I say go for americans, we haven't even played with the brits yet.

04-27-2003, 11:01 PM
lovely, really lovely...

hope to get the same feeling like the old dod_bridge?!

hmmm... brit models... no!! use the us models like the old one!
i think there will be enough other custom maps coming up after the release from v1.0 that includes brit models...

04-27-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by NC17
It is looking good and i loved dod_bridge but what is up with the unrealistic roofs with no overhangs? i see a lot of mappers make this mistake and it ends up taking a lot away from the map's atmosphere

It looks to me like there's roof overhangs in that pic. It's most obvious on the building on the extreme right in the background.

Anyways, I can't wait to play bridge2. I'm drooling over that one pic, IR.

PS: That pic is hosted on "". What's inwdungeon? Just some place for iNw members to host pics? Or something more?

04-27-2003, 11:59 PM
sweet!!! can't wait to play it.

04-28-2003, 01:34 AM
NO BRITS! Ithad ameericans in the first version, and I think having brits would kill some of the nostalgia. Or something....

04-28-2003, 03:08 AM
Because of balancing (no true Brits MG) I recommend Americans.

04-28-2003, 03:18 AM
Great work IR. Many people were asking for bridge on the last lanparty I was on. But I had to tell 'm wait for 1.0 for a great new version :)

And I say keep the americans on the map. Stay close to the original.

04-28-2003, 05:31 AM
looks awesome !!!!! Brits plz!!!!!

Dances w Wolves
04-28-2003, 05:44 AM
britz please :D:D

04-28-2003, 05:45 AM
wewt! thats really nice! :D gj arjan & daniel

04-28-2003, 06:06 AM
Sweet stuff Menk. Looks a lot better than the last build!

And the dungeon is the place where we lock our staff members and chain them to the walls and make them work on stuff.

04-28-2003, 06:11 AM
Very nice work.

Good job IR and Klein ;-)

04-28-2003, 06:12 AM
wow IR, i looks nice :D

04-28-2003, 06:26 AM
Originally posted by kleinluka
Sweet stuff Menk. Looks a lot better than the last build!

And the dungeon is the place where we lock our staff members and chain them to the walls and make them work on stuff.
/me shudders at the sheer mention of the Dungeon

04-28-2003, 07:02 AM
How about a proper 'poll' to decide whether or not you make it Brits? You seem open to either option, so how about we leave it upto the publiic to vote?

Trini Lopez
04-28-2003, 08:10 AM

IMO , Brits will be newin 1.0 , but for this map I don't recommend them , it's not because of the MG's ballance , it's because of the kar's/Enfields . With kar's and Enfields the game style of both sides will be kinda the same.

/me votes for Americans . Bridge needs Garands .

Unless you make that the British can actually pick up garands in their spawn :rolleyes:

Any rocket launcher for any side ?

Dances w Wolves
04-28-2003, 08:32 AM
i think 1 rocket for the british side and thats it.

04-28-2003, 08:34 AM
Euhm why would you need rocket launchers in bridge?? Only put them in when they are needed for an objective.

04-28-2003, 12:50 PM
LOL, just noticed this, Kami has a new avatar! Is that you in that pic too, kami?

04-28-2003, 12:57 PM
I suggest you just take americans, the first version of this map did with americans and it did fine so maybe adding brits would be risky

04-28-2003, 01:04 PM
make it brits, we need good costum maps with brits

04-28-2003, 01:07 PM
/me votes americans

04-28-2003, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by rotzbua
make it brits, we need good costum maps with brits

there will be enough

04-28-2003, 01:12 PM
oh, looks good.

"vote" for brits :>

04-28-2003, 01:12 PM

04-28-2003, 01:19 PM
Looks great, can't wait to play it :)

As for whether it should be Brits or not.... I really don't know. Either way is fine with me :D

04-28-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by kleinluka
/me votes americans

me 2 :D

04-28-2003, 02:18 PM
YOu guys shouldnt decide if it should be us or brits untill you actually play as each in 1.0 . . .

04-28-2003, 05:22 PM

04-28-2003, 05:47 PM
Yanks plz.

04-28-2003, 05:48 PM
you just know 99% of all the custom maps that come out just after 1.0 will be brits. i say be original and stick with the americans

Dances w Wolves
04-28-2003, 05:54 PM
*cough* BRITS *cough* ;)

04-28-2003, 06:25 PM
*cough* let him choose *cough* :E.

Can we blow stuff up with our bazookas/panzershreks/piats in bridge?

04-28-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by RaideN
*cough* let him choose *cough*
*cough* he asked *cough*

Stick with americans like the original bridge had.

04-28-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by ender
*cough* he asked *cough*

Stick with americans like the original bridge had.

I know, but I like to have my hand held to the short bus :/

Hows about dod_bridge2 and dod_bridge2.1, one with americans and one with brits.

04-28-2003, 08:15 PM
I'd like to see it a US vs Axis map (again), like the first one.

04-28-2003, 08:59 PM
To be historically accurate, go Brits, but I still say US.

04-28-2003, 11:50 PM
*CAUGH* stop saying caugh before and after your statements you freekin nerds *CAUGH*


Dances w Wolves
04-29-2003, 01:46 AM

good idea

how about a brit_bridge2 and a dod_bridge2? the only difference is a few entities desginating who spawns isnt it?

therefore its not a whole looad of effort and EVERYBODY is happy... unless they ask for a para_bridge2 but lets ignore that for now :D

04-29-2003, 03:09 AM
Well, all people in this board will hate me, but i am so sick of Yanks after all these years of playing DoD... please make it a brit map.

It`s a shame that only 3 of the 15(!) maps in the new DoD are brit-maps.

04-29-2003, 10:22 AM
Well, good looking map, please let the brits fight there, cause it isnīt balanced anyway...

Allies about 13 maps

Brits about 4 maps


HS The Whap
04-29-2003, 10:32 AM
I liked Brdige :)

04-29-2003, 10:49 AM
nice sig whap... H.I.M. is so good

04-29-2003, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by 2ltben
To be historically accurate, go Brits, but I still say US.

What history? Where did that come from?

04-29-2003, 02:28 PM
What history? Where did that come from?

My thoughts exactly.

04-29-2003, 03:44 PM
lol can some one count the score ?

maybe one round brit the other american ?

i have to look into it so no promisses

04-29-2003, 03:54 PM
who stole my avatar =(

04-29-2003, 05:01 PM

04-29-2003, 05:01 PM
can we have a poll added to this thread?

04-29-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by IR -inw-
lol can some one count the score ?

maybe one round brit the other american ?

i have to look into it so no promisses

it's roughly 18-14 in favour of US forces.

04-29-2003, 07:05 PM
Prollem: The official dod_bridge2 is being debated between us and brit
Solution: make both, release the US one as dod_bridge2 and the Brit one as brit_bridge2

04-29-2003, 07:12 PM
Then that would please everyone, could never do that ;) .

If you think you can pull off one round a piece, that'd be pretty damn cool.

04-29-2003, 09:25 PM
I'm an American, but I really think this map should have Brits vs. German Paratroops

04-30-2003, 06:45 AM
Wanna see Brits.

04-30-2003, 06:47 AM
yeah please brits vs german paratroopers. i just love the fg42! its such a cool weapon!:D

04-30-2003, 07:22 AM
i definately would like this to be a brit vs germany infantry map, mainly because 1.0 wont have very many brit maps

04-30-2003, 07:29 AM
very close to release tomorrow ^_^


i figured i show you some more screens just to wet the appetite
or make you h8 it even more ;) your pick

right now its still axis para vs americans

but ye i might just make it brits :)

04-30-2003, 07:34 AM
Very nice!

Go for the brits, please :-)

04-30-2003, 07:41 AM
Looks hawt IR.
But plz keep the yanks.

04-30-2003, 08:08 AM
woot! looks awesome!

btw: what tank is this in the 2nd screen? it looks a bit like a sherman, but it also could be a german panzer4!:)

04-30-2003, 08:21 AM
Great textures.

I still remember playing on dod_ramelle the first day of Beta 2.0, and I said to IR being on the same server: "Nice map, nice pling the tiger does when hit by bullets" ^_^

04-30-2003, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by Kraut-Killer
woot! looks awesome!

btw: what tank is this in the 2nd screen? it looks a bit like a sherman, but it also could be a german panzer4!:)

it's a cromwell tank(british tank)

04-30-2003, 10:02 AM
See isn't a Cromwell reason enough to make it BRITS!

04-30-2003, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Kraut-Killer

(brits r teh win.)

04-30-2003, 10:44 AM
I feel that since DOD is still lacking a good Arnhem map, that this map is just screaming to be Brits. Brits vs. Fallschirmjager

04-30-2003, 11:46 AM
no matter if brits or americans. this map is going to rock :D

04-30-2003, 01:15 PM
good show!

hehe anyway guys

last compile is done and im packaging

it remains americans vs para axis

why ?

alot of maps will be comming out with brits
this map always has been us troops so for now im sticking
with it

besides i dont wanna ruin your chance at some fun with
that 30cal ^_^

so sit tight its really comming this time :D

( ill post a new screen in a few)

04-30-2003, 01:17 PM

04-30-2003, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Wittman80
I feel that since DOD is still lacking a good Arnhem map, that this map is just screaming to be Brits. Brits vs. Fallschirmjager
Arnhem? I thought the bridge in Arnhem was Nijmegen and the bridge in bridge was Pegasus(confused on where that was, either in Normandy, Belgium, or Holland). Oh screw it, they're both truss bridges. I'm just glad we have US troops but I have my obligation to protect historical accuracy. btw, will you still be able to jump around on the roofs?

04-30-2003, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by IR -inw-

( ill post a new screen in a few)

well ? :D

04-30-2003, 02:54 PM
How is bridge not an official map yet? Everybody obviously loves it so much...

04-30-2003, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by kleinluka
well ? :D

maybe he meant "in a few days":D

04-30-2003, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Quakah
it's a cromwell tank(british tank)

well i think its a sherman tank :)

very kewl pics, its a huge difference from the first bridge, in a good way :D

04-30-2003, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Devilmorfose
well i think its a sherman tank :)

i can tell it's a cromwell :p wanna bet? ;)

04-30-2003, 03:13 PM
na the cromwell has a green, yellow skin in the previous screenshots. i think its a sherman!:D

04-30-2003, 03:20 PM
yes lol

i would..

look at the turret

a sherman has a round shape, cromwell hasn't :)

04-30-2003, 03:47 PM
Brits please! Can't wait to play this one. :)

04-30-2003, 04:13 PM
Got more pics??..;-)

04-30-2003, 04:23 PM
Another reason this should be brits is there seems to be a shortage of maps that will be using the brits.

*Starts chanting "BRITS-BRITS-BRITS" and trying to get everyone to join in*

04-30-2003, 04:37 PM
I would like to see Brits as well. The Enfield is more of a Kar competitor than the garand, them both being 1-shot-killers and all.

How about a SS of the bridge?

04-30-2003, 04:43 PM
when ir said it would be released tommorow i was totally stunned, then i ready that interview with john and the new dod mod will be released tommorow :D

04-30-2003, 04:49 PM
Looks great ;D

Mystic Cobra
04-30-2003, 04:54 PM
Yes top notch work. :D

04-30-2003, 05:18 PM

its packed and ready to go

if you can mirror it plz lemmi know

04-30-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by Wittman80
Another reason this should be brits is there seems to be a shortage of maps that will be using the brits.

*Starts chanting "BRITS-BRITS-BRITS" and trying to get everyone to join in*


04-30-2003, 05:30 PM
DoDMaps will mirror it IR :)

04-30-2003, 05:34 PM
So does (

I sent email.

04-30-2003, 05:43 PM
guys, it's US vs Axis para. The decision is made, so stop hassling the poor guy ;)

04-30-2003, 05:49 PM
one more

04-30-2003, 05:54 PM
cool shot klein ty :D

Mystic Cobra
04-30-2003, 05:55 PM
/cries. Great sreen shots :eek: Cant wait.

04-30-2003, 07:20 PM
Everyone will download it, it's not even a Custom Map after release:D

04-30-2003, 08:20 PM
AHH, the great memories of dod_bridge, i was afraid that you would change it to much but it looks perfect, for a few months i only played dod_bridge, the same will happen with bridge2 :D

04-30-2003, 09:24 PM
Safeh, your sig is annoying, its like your always staring at me

04-30-2003, 10:21 PM
You made the original dod_bridge right IR ?

04-30-2003, 10:21 PM
God dam that freekin eye safeh . . . :rolleyes:

04-30-2003, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Liebgott
Safeh, your sig is annoying, its like your always staring at me

i drew it with my tablet :D it to let people know that i always have an eye on them

EDIT: no IR did not make the original bridge

05-01-2003, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by NC17
You made the original dod_bridge right IR ?

Nope was made by madfish if I remember correctly, but he gave the rmf to the inw guys so the could make a better map out of it.

05-01-2003, 04:12 AM
Originally posted by flox
Nope was made by madfish if I remember correctly, but he gave the rmf to the inw guys so the could make a better map out of it.

Oh thats right i remember seeing something about that a while ago

05-01-2003, 04:13 AM
dod_bridge had some r_speed and brushwork issues didnt it? its been a while since iv played it

Anyone know if the original mapper still does dod mapping ?

05-01-2003, 04:40 AM
No I think he quit mapping, that's why he handed the project over to the inw guys.

Trini Lopez
05-01-2003, 04:42 AM
Originally posted by kleinluka
one more

I hope you will not be able to get on those metal bars of the bridge . I personally would not like that.

05-01-2003, 04:46 AM
omg, h4x!

Trini Lopez
05-01-2003, 06:18 AM
Originally posted by flox
omg, h4x!

Agree , those old sandbags next to the new ones look weird. It would be better if the texture was changed so those old sandbags are actually part of the bunker.

05-01-2003, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by Trini Lopez
Agree , those old sandbags next to the new ones look weird. It would be better if the texture was changed so those old sandbags are actually part of the bunker.

Yea those brush based sandbags look pretty crapified Ir should have made a better prefab for them or used model based sandbags

05-02-2003, 04:59 PM
*EDIT* I have a working download link to bridge2:

05-02-2003, 09:18 PM
I just got done playing bridge2 yesterday great job IR!

It was also fun playing with you yesterday

Keep up the good work!

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