
04-05-2005, 09:22 PM
Hi, Im Jaboo224 :P

Anywais, Sourceblog.net is a fairly new site that offers good tutorials :).

So far we have a fairly good skinning tutorials section which can be found here (http://www.sourceblog.net/page.php?file=/tuts/skin/Text/textskin)

I am always adding more tutorials. And for a limited time, if you submit over 2 tutorials to www.sourceblog.net you will recieve 50mb of storage with unlimited bandwidth and a subdomain of your choice :)

hope you guys like the site and please post your comments about it here :hamster:

04-05-2005, 09:38 PM
The site looks great! Nice work! :)

04-05-2005, 09:39 PM
You can thank Splinter for the spiffy banner :P

04-05-2005, 09:51 PM
Splinter gets enough praise around here :p :p :p

04-05-2005, 11:25 PM
Splinter!? that *******!? :p

I swear Jaboo i will write you those tuts when I get the time.

EDIT: I'm an aussie *******.

04-05-2005, 11:27 PM
You better, or you wont get food for a week!

*gives splinter corn bread*

EDIT: Brutal, you cant act tough :P we all know you sleep with a teddybear

04-05-2005, 11:30 PM
Leave Mr Bubbletrumps alone!!!!! *cries*

04-05-2005, 11:48 PM
You mean Ms.Bubbletrumps :D

04-06-2005, 10:20 AM
Those are really cool tuts, but I wish they came at skinning from the point of view that the person (*coughmecough*) has just downloaded the Photoshop CS trial and has no idea where anything is, or how to get it.

04-06-2005, 10:47 AM
the tuts are nice for those of us that are fimilar with the workings of these programs, but brand new people may not use them as much as we would.

So I wouldnt give this site out to any new guy that IM's me asking questions...:confused:

04-06-2005, 12:35 PM
Anyone know of a good tut site such as this that puts it in such a way that a noob can take the principles gleaned from it and do other projects? The kind of thing that says why you're doing something, and where it's found in the menu.

04-06-2005, 05:11 PM
Well, these are "skinning" tutorials, as skinning does need knowledge of the program. If you do not know how to use photoshop and want to learn some basic's go to www.pixel2life.com or www.good-tutorials.com

Those sites probably wont teach you most of the skinning techniques.

But im sure someone in these forums can understand these tuts :).

04-06-2005, 07:43 PM
In my expereience the best way to learn how to skin is by knowing a few basics and then experimenting and self teaching. It's how i did it, and im still learning new things every time.

04-06-2005, 09:36 PM
yay, now i can make better skins!

04-06-2005, 09:54 PM
Glad i could be of help :)

post some of your results :D

04-14-2005, 11:33 PM
Added some more tuts, even one by polygon

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