Sound Problem

01-26-2005, 02:22 AM
So I'm trying to make this king of the hill map with knives only, and below the hill is a nightclub which I would like to play music in as an ambient sound, but I can't for the life of me get the damn sound to work. I've tried saving the wav file in like 30 different formats to get it to play ingame but it simply wont.

Most wavs that HL uses are 8 bits and 22,100 Khz right? and mono? That isnt working for me.

I've actually been mapping for about 4 years but never finished a seems that anytime I get anywhere on a map I hit a bump and can't find the answer to the question I'm trying to figure out. I still haven't taught myself how to place or make models, and now HL2 is out with its new Hammer version and I'm sure they've added a bunch of new's too bad, because I have about 16 unfinished maps on my PC. :p Just making an excuse for asking a question...I know you guys dont like it :D

Anyway, any help is appreciated.

01-26-2005, 03:04 AM
Well, for starters I don't think HL likes wav files longer than 3 minutes. Is it just not playing to start with? Have you set a loop point in the song with your audio editor? Is the entity prepared with flags to start on and to repeat?

01-26-2005, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Gorbachev
Well, for starters I don't think HL likes wav files longer than 3 minutes. Is it just not playing to start with? Have you set a loop point in the song with your audio editor? Is the entity prepared with flags to start on and to repeat?

No, I cut out a 38 second piece of sound and made it so if played end to end and looped it sounds good. No, its not playing to start with. I want it to, but it won't seem to do that. I originally intended for there to be a choice of a few songs to play in this night club type place, and you could change which one was playing with switches...but I haven't gotten the sound to work yet so I haven't done the other songs yet, or their entities.

Here's the data and flags on the ambient_generic I have set right now:

Name: daftpunk
Path/Filename.wav of wav: 04_daft_punk-harder_better_faster_stronger-wax-right.wav
Volume: 10
Start Volume: 10
(All others default)

Play Everywhere: no
Small Radius: no
Medium Radius: yes
Large Radius: no
Start Silent: no
Is NOT Looped: no

It might be looping the sound in-file as you said...I'm using Sony Sound Forge...not sure exactly how to do what you mean. :)

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